nnyobzns Premium is based on Patreon. Unless Patreon is eastern...

    Shaff Takes less than 30 seconds on the internet to find out that I am right.

      Is it possible to do some changes to the premium system?
      It is not really fair, that people which used spirit stones for chapters have to either continue using spirit stones or wait for a while to get a free chapter

      The paywall; I feel you're chopping your own foot off. The rare exception being those who choose to spend money on it. Me personally those three premium novels will be dropped.

        Oxy I can see how qi has attempted to use patreon as a template. The problem is that is still a severely flawed model to try and emulate. The money generated will never meet the expenditure. Patreon has a severely limited consumer base, yet it's still miles larger than qi's. However things work out for qi, I'll continue enjoying the novels I read.

          How to become premium user.?
          I read IMM since the first day of premium chapter release, but didn't have the badge or whatever sign.
          And if there's week/monthly premium subscription, where i have to subscribe/pay.?

            some chapters are too expensive, you are just chasing away more readers to another website, for example, some chapters cost 10 to 12 Spirit stones, which is 10 dollars for around 50 chapters, this will cripple the number of readers and visitors in this website, how long do you think a few rich people will be able to support your company and also how long do you think they will stay?, It depends on the novel too, how long do you think you can supply a good and their favourite novels? at least monthly or yearly subscription sounds more reasonable with a free novel, this system is basically black hole sucking money away very fast.

            john_brown Buy spirit stones from profile - click on your profile/image, go to get more spirit stones, buy them - and use stones to unlock chapter. There is no monthly/weekly premium subscription. The badge is only available after you pay for stones.

              It would be nice if there was still an ad alternative (since it gives them money too) for the premium chapters or even if large number or all the chapters had ads instead .
              It would also be really good if the way the unlock system works is that it unlocks the first locked chapter in ones list and not the same chapter for everyone. That is one thing that stops me from using premium. Once you start you have to continue otherwise it's pointless since you have to wait for the next chapter as long as everyone else and there was no point on spending money on the previous chapters - you could have just waited from the start and it would probably be less frustrating since you would have daily chapter but once you buy and stop you will be days without chapters.

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