Looks like its time to say goodbye to those novels

    Oxy realizing the difference isn't really hard, you just don't want to understand the difference.
    Maybe you understand algebra - time to catch up if you don't wanna pay anymore according to a release rate of 14 chapters per week:
    t: time in days to catch up
    w: weeks you read premium chapters for
    p: patreon advanced chapters (constant)

    patreon: t = p/14
    complexity: O(1)

    qidian: t = 14w/7
    complexity: O(w)

    O(1) << O(w)

    • Oxy replied to this.

      well , i was really enjoying strongest system , strongest gene , super gene , LOHP and Mr CEO . but i guess i'm dropping them now. i was wondering when SSystem would turn premium after Sgene and Superg turned . qidian doesn't disappoint huh. f this shit . just 2-3 more novels left in my library , they'll turn premium and i'll stop visiting this site altogether . NICE BUSINESS STRATEGY , GREEDY CHINESE CUNTS

      Oxy 30 free ss? which world are you living in? its lucky to get more than 25 sometimes , and with so many good novels in premium , you'd need 50+ stones easily daily yo unlock all of them .

        Oxy ya sure man , that's why is its still going on . i dont even know where you find these false facts . you do know youtube makes money with ads and its red service right?

          can someone explain to me how this is a good thing? eventually, you're going to run out of spirit stones if you follow even a few novels, since they range anywhere from 8-12 stones per chapter.

          you're either forced to make new accounts to get free 100 stones, pay for stones, or simply wait a few weeks while collecting your daily check-ins, just to read.

            Fenixrock You can still read them after saving up enough Spirit Stone. I can just wait for the free chapters that takes 100 of years to unlock. :I

              Why don't you just make all of them premium so this poor guy can go back to the day before QI exist?!. This bullshit makes this poor guy missed WW so much, cos over there this poor guy can enjoy focus reading and only got angry, sad or joy from the novel stories, NOT from the money making scheme.

              Eh, I dislike such happenstances. I mean, I understand the need to strive as a business, but when I see a fckin 11 chapters to read and each coss 12 spirit stones each, and u get like 5 a day... makes some yelling.

                Im reading 38 novels ATM on Q. If all of them goes premium. Im litterly f'd. I can unlock around 5-10 chapters per day only lol.

                  Kyurem1337 its lucky to get more than 25 sometimes

                  BigBootyLover wtf lol daily free 30ss? no. i have never received 30, ever. the most i think was 13

                  Bare minimum: Normal check-in 7 SS, 2nd check-in from watching an ad 7 SS (mobile only), 2 votes and each vote gives 5 SS; Total 24 SS.

                  Max: 14 SS per check-in + 10 from the votes; Total: 38

                  If you need help, read the guide made by Neverfire7: https://forum.webnovel.com/d/4134-never-s-faq-2nd-edition

                  Oxy Comparing web novels to published books is meaningless. They are very different. The quality is significantly lower in general (not saying all, many surpass a great deal of published books, and others are at levels where no publisher would accept it). Would be like saying that Spotify charging 1 dollar for every song heard is totally fine, because an album is way more expensive per song. Also, the amount of free stones only goes that far, a chapter takes less than 10 min to read even for a fairly slow reader, which means 20-30 min of free reading a day. While that does not "fine", it must be remembered what they are competing with here, which is free alternatives. For some people, they don't read more than half an hour a day, so all is good for them, but others who read a lot for whatever reason, it can quickly get expensive. Which is why I should a subscription option would be good to add upon the current system. I doubt many would say that the current "value" offered by Webnovel/Qidan is above services such as Netflix, so a monthly sub of 10 or 15 dollars for unlimited access seems fair. Chances are that it wont even have a negative impact on the money made for Qidan, as many just "sub and forget" to services. Adding options like a 12 month sub for a discount could make them earn even more. I would subscribe if it was an option, even if I won't actually reach the breaking point where it would be cheaper than just using spirit stones, just because i prefer services with exact pricing where I know exactly how much I am paying, and not these small constant micro transactions.

                    Knoweth that thy website's traffic wilt beest reduced more and more as thee lock more novels behind thy wretched greed for coin. I'll gaze thy Ads, but I wilt lower myself to payeth and feed thous greed.

                      Web Novel Novel Ask