SleepyKola thank you!
September 2020: Review Swap Here
I'd like to review yours as well. Here is mine for when you have the time to read.
SleepyKola Done :D
succulentgumbo Thank you so much. I'll definitely do yours.
I don't mind exchanging feedback! your story is the one caled a brief journey, right? I can give it a look right now.
I will leave you mine so give it a read if you got time =)
Title: Endbringer
I'm using a PC. You can by just going on the Webnovel page for your book and copy and pasting the web address. My link is . It should come up as blue on the message.
Hi. I just reviewed your work. Will you review mine:
Hi. I just reviewed your work. Will you review mine:
Marli_Hanekom Done!! thankyou
@Killerpants Finished reviewing yours. Here's the link to mine:
Kotachua I'll try, but I'm hoping for more chapters before I review. I'm a critical reviewer and usually read at least 10 chapters thoroughly before reviewing
If anyone would like to do review swaps, I currently have time on my hands and am able to do so. Please reply with a link to your novel and I'll get to reading.
If you'd be so kind to review mine as well, I'd greatly appreciate it
I need one more novel to review swap with someone (I want to even out my number), is there anyone interested, I just need one person?
Also can it not be a romance story, please.
My link:
succulentgumbo Hi do you mind a review swap?
Heres my link
I will do yours too, thankyou
succulentgumbo do you mind doing two review swaps? I could do another one of yours if you have
Here it is
I’ll get to them as soon as possible, and sure, I don’t mind doing two.
succulentgumbo done!! thankyou
Future_M_Animator Done :D
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I have already reviewed the books written by the following authors:-
All above 7 authors are requested to review my book soon, as after 30th September these review swap links will be closed.
The link of my book is as follows:-
RenuKakkar care for a review swap? I can manage 10 chapters and give an honest opinion.
Mine is a scifi crime thriller.'s-edge_17685005605315205
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RJMidnight I’d love to exchange some honest feedback. A brief journey