Hey dear Let's do it, i reading yours now, pls do mine too!
September 2020: Review Swap Here
mona_keshwari hey , i can read yours if you want an if you send me your link.. i left you mine if you like to help me https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/17158676305682805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4306159928..
i will read yours first and then you can see mine
done with yours dear, here's review link please check
My novellink: https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-reborn-vengeful-flower!!!_17850932206362805
hope u do mine as well
hey dear, sure let's swap... I am off to read yours now
her's mine: please do it
Here dear, your review done, nice one, please do the same to my novel as well
your review link:https://www.webnovel.com/book/her-purgatorium_17158676305682805#review
My novellink : https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-reborn-vengeful-flower!!!_17850932206362805
therealSkywolf202 Done!
do mine please!
texascann I got you!
Review mine if you would please
MikruZero got you!
review mine please
Hey, i have done yours both,please do mine as well
mona_keshwari Got you!
review mine please
Lullabybao Got you!
review me please
SolAce I review yours!
review mine if possible.
Hey dear, reading yours! thanks for the review
Mar_Urbano I review yours!
review mine if possible
I had left a comment at the beginning to let you know i was tere, and I just left my review
- Edited
30keys yes! i wiil be there now.. thanks! your story have more chapters so it will take me a little more of time to left a good review, but im following you
just saw it,thanks
Hi. I've reviewed your work. Will you review mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-chosen-messenger-of-the-gods_17419739406909705