MikruZero Done
Sharelvandor Done
SolAce Done
Drapetomaniac12 Done
Mar_Urbano Done
Gourmet_DAO Your Novel link?
Jyojiko Done
deepu_ Done
MikruZero Done
Sharelvandor Done
SolAce Done
Drapetomaniac12 Done
Mar_Urbano Done
Gourmet_DAO Your Novel link?
Jyojiko Done
deepu_ Done
deepu_ sure! You can review mine!
Allen_Clay012 let's swap review
here's mine
30keys Ah this reminded me, I did start yours but never left the review because I was planning to read more. I
I will leave the review right now though.
30keys Ah this reminded me, I did start yours but never left the review because I was planning to read more. I
I will leave the review right now though.
Hello, anyone want to review swap?
My work is called F:Ran.
Genres: Action\Adventure, Comedy
link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/f%3Aran_16863628005532805
LWnovels Allen_Clay012 done with both of your books.. Can you please review mine..?
Zanyyy okay dear.. Mine is..
Hi, do you want to do a review swap?
Here is the link of my story: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-legend-of-the-crimson-oracle_17041959805240805
Zanyyy thedragon_killer89 done with both of your books lease do mine
deepu_ got you!
Review mine pls