Shionokami hi you might want to take a look
Shionokami hi you might want to take a look
Anyone up for a review swap with me? Here's mine's-wife-is-a-little-too-daring!_16871733406710205
Rtriste I'm up for a swap here's mine's-wife-is-a-little-too-daring!_16871733406710205
midnight_bloom Thanks for your kind words and time, it may take a few hours or even the weekend, but I promise to get a review to you soon!
Diya_2002_Life still didn't get back a review nor reply from your even after 3 days. Here to remind you if you've forgotten or are busy. Re sending the link's-wife-is-a-little-too-daring!_16871733406710205
_AiRen_ Would you be up to review swap? I have to make 3 more reviews but after I'm done with those I'll read yours!
Hendinklette sure send me link
Hendinklette ok i'll give a review asap i've have it on my library. don't worry after I'm done with two others
Well I can give it a look, after all romance and comedy are my week points =)
I will leave you mine, so give it a look when you got time
OK. I have saved your book to my library.
The link to my book is:-
OK. I have reviewed your book.
The link to my book is:-
Alpha_Medic Thanks! I hope you enjoy it. I'm reading your work at the moment :)
Shionokami added to library.
I'll review anyone who reviews mine!!
Here's the link,'s-just-me-emma._18253900306053205
Dara_Manuel yes please
Here's mine's-just-me-emma._18253900306053205
I'll get started on yours now.
Heres mine.
I'll get started on yours now!!'s-just-me-emma._18253900306053205
Neko_mimi I reviewed yours, if you can do mine? :)