October 2020: Review Swap Here
Katekichi Of course. I'll probably have yours up within a few hours, I have a couple more to review.
JustLikeWriting777 You want to swap?
LinYang Will do!
A story inn the same universe as haikyuu? sure thing! I will leave you mine so give it a read when you got time =)
Title: Endbringer
Shionokami Hey? want to do a swap with me?
Done with you guys. :)
Want to swap? I know we swapped last time but it seems that we both have more than one work. :)
Sure thing! You're story is the one called attack on angels, right?
Here is mine:
Tanya_Winters Thanks and Done!
Anyone up for an honest review swap?
Here is mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/holy-world_17763204406900705
Shionokami Okay! I'll do Lin's first then I'll do yours.
Shionokami sure thing
EmpRabbit I'd be glad to do an honest one.
Shionokami Let's do it.
Nicolas_Cavalieri Done.. Please review mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/love-or-obsession_17764438905773305
LinYang I have just finished with yours.
Anyone else up for an honest review swap?
Here is mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/holy-world_17763204406900705