So I've been thinking of writing but I'm not sure. I've written a small extract of it. Please do critiseixe it and offer feedback.
Ten thousand meters above the surface.

The sound of metal crashing against metal rang throughout the citadel. A prosperous place it once was; a miserable place it now was. A man of a hunched back, his hair grey in colour and reaching so far back that it touched upon his calf stood upon a towering stage.

A silver-white hammer lay in his hands and from time to time came sprawling downwards against a weapon. A sword to be exact. Golden in colour, it leaked an aura contradicting its elegance. Despair. The sword spoke of death and demanded destruction upon all beings.

Every ten cycles, the hammer would drop down on the sword. Shaping its very existence and giving birth to it.

The man opened his eyes. Lusterless and hollow. It was as deep as the abyss and as profound as ether. They spoke of tragedies, wisdom, death and mystery. A brilliant smile adorned his face whilst staring at the skies. Opening his lips the man murmured:

This sword shall be the harbinger of chaos, the harbinger of death and the harbinger of life. It shall be named Nirvana.

Chapter 1
The Keelher Castle, Barontide County, Samaras Kingdom, Year 3323
The swirling darkness was frightening. Curled tendrils beckoned the unknowing into the realm, chaos descended. Menace, madness and confusion appeared. Hell had ascended.

Maric stirred awake. His nightmare returning once more. He'd sit up in bed only to realise he was in a state of fear. Perspiration had dampened his back. His garment drenched in sweat. His face dripping with a liquid that was not water. Terror. Right at this moment, his door was breached. It creaked open as his eyes slowly looked in horror.

"Lord, are you awake?" a voice said. "There is a matter of immediate urgency I must report sir" the voice would continue. Maric would realise it to be his attendant Sabbath after calming down.

"Come on in Sabbath."

The door would fully open as a man would come in.

"What is so urgent that you would wake me?"

Sabbath who upon looking closer had an eye covered with a patch would immediately kneel.

"Sir I apologise but this is important." Sabbath said whilst looking at me.


"Yes my Lord, There has been a sighting of the fragment."

Maric would immediately sit upright, his face changing.


"In the Nelmat Mountains, my Lord."

Maric would get up as he said "Issue a black code immediately, get the men ready and make sure we are capable of travelling by night. If what you say is true then the others will not stay put."

Sabbath got as he obeyed the command and said: " Everything shall be ready by noon, Lord."

Maric would walk towards the balcony in his room. He'd open the castle windows and step onto the platform. The wind whistled past him as he stood in wonder.

Subconsciously he'd look towards the sky, the sky was purple. Edging towards daylight as it escaped the night. The sun slowly rising from the east. The moon still hung in the sky. Maric closed his eyes and opened them once more. Red.

The moon was red. Maric would click his fingers together. After a moment of silence and to no one in particular, he said: " Is it Chaos, Death or Life this time?"

Maric closed his eyes once more. A feeling of serenity had enveloped him. A golden aura would surround him as he seemed to contemplate something. He'd open his eyes as a streak of white flashed past them. A grin slowly manifesting itself upon his face.

    Looks interesting to me, give it a go, who knows it might become a top ranker!

      Drop the woulds -would walk-
      -would get up-
      change to to walk
      get up
      Other than that, practice practice practice.
      Looks interesting!

      JakeJake Gosh. You're so descriptive! I could never do that.

      It appears to be fantasy with world-building, and though it's not really my preferred choice of genre, it's something that I'd probably read for a while because I do like magic/dragons (not so much on world-building).

      That, in itself, says it's good. Not because I'm such a great judge of a book, but for the fact that it could even interest someone who's only 'meh' about such things, it says a lot about your skill.

      I'd say, go for it and keep at it. It may be slow at first (as readers may not find the book as yet) but I'm sure it can become quite popular, given time.

      Great potential author-sama. Keep it up!!! If you need an editor, you can contact me at
      Keep going! Fighting!

        Sounds interesting enough. If you're fired up about it then go for it.

        It keep me reading till the end and what I read make me want to know what is going to happen nextπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

          JakeJake Continue writing if you're passionate to write the story.
          Thanks for sharing. All the best.

            "A silver-white hammer lay in his hands and from time to time came sprawling downwards against a weapon. A sword to be exact. Golden in colour, it leaked an aura contradicting its elegance. Despair. The sword spoke of death and demanded destruction upon all beings."

            I dont understand this, but I assume that that the hammer is battering the weapon?

            Because I would write it this way, I understand the world sprawl as lying down position.

            With a silvery hammer on his arm, he battered it down against a weapon. The weapon was a sword to be exact, it was molded from gold, glistening brightly on its surface, the elegant aura it leaks contradicts its true nature. It was despair! The weapon was a source of death and anguish, as it leans upon destruction and chaos.

            The only thing I think you lack is a good flow practice more and you will be better.

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