Jo_J Okay thanks. Taking care of it now (-)

Review done (-)

_AiRen_ hello airen. Im sorry i got busy lately . I will review your later

    Jo_J sure i bookmarked ur book . I read ur book later

      Anyone interested in review swap? Drop your link and @ me for my quick response

      Title: Chasing for Justice


      Bravery Zoe Alphonse is a shy but fearless woman. Since she was a child, she wants to be a lawyer. Everything about law, she remembers it. That's how interested her in becoming a lawyer.

      When she finally becomes a lawyer, she discovered her special skill. She’s dreaming of what will happened. That’s why she becomes part of Justice Chasers. A team where all of them have a special skills.

      But they can’t always win the case that they’re holding. How can they solve the case, when Justice Chasers members are slowly fading?

        I already red a few of your chapters... nice idea!
        Review done.

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