LuffyLucy No, i don't have it but i have fb, ig, twt & tumblr.
Anime Fan?
Jonkohrr Me too! The movie~
Well another anime fan here. Currently I am watching the ongoing seasonal ones. Anyone here a haikyuu fan?
Ya all can try jujutsu kaisen if looking for action nd martial arts. Tonikaku kawaii is really sweet and satisfactory watch. I am done with the longer series so can only watch the short ones now lol..
Hi Hi Hellooo me too. I'm pretty much an anime and manga fans too. I watch anime since i was 6/7 lol.
If you don't mind, let's follow each other on MyAnimeList [@/hanaangel_xo ]. or drop your MAL @. Let's be friends there!
I think everyone on here is a Anime fan, how else would we got here ? Lol
Does anybody know any chill anime , or like slice of life type stuff , if not a good mystery anime .
one_chance I love Haikyuu
Crismonsurfer have you tried promise neverland?
LinYang Then you might love attack on titan. The OSTs are epic
Fleur_capricieuse Still wating for season 2
Lievel_Veltrandt The OSTs are really good. The anime itself looks a little too bloody and dark, though. Might try in the future though.
LinYang nah. I don't think it will. It's basically the theme of the series, after all.
Lievel_Veltrandt I can't wait for the final season have you seen the trailer?
Lievel_Veltrandt I hope Norman is alive
Fleur_capricieuse Yep. I didn't expect it would get animated by MAPPA Studio, but I still have high hopes
Lievel_Veltrandt I hope they can fit everything from the manga into the final season it needs a good ending we've lost too many people
Anata no subete ga
o nakushite
Eien no naka o samayotte iru yo
Sayonara dekizu ni
Tachidomatta mama no
Boku to issho ni
I cried everytime I heard this song played
Fleur_capricieuse Yes I did , didn't finish it , it's pretty cool .
Crismonsurfer if you're still interested the second season will be out next year I'm so excited
Fleur_capricieuse Daaaaamn No Way !! I didn't know I thought we'd have to wait more , when will it be it exactly ?