kitsumirae I really like Ateez. I listen to a lot of other groups too, but I don't really know their names or faces.
Who's here Kpop fans?
kitsumirae Shawol, Exo-L, Suju, insomniacs
An Army and Once here!
Vickie_Jordan Hello!
KHRIKY I'm an ARMY and i used to write on EXO but not anymore. I'm just republishing my work.
sharrnister Hello ARMY !
Is anyone of you guys is a wattpadder?
kitsumirae yup me.....
Army, Igot7, Shawol, Exo L, omg I stan too many groups to name them all!!!!!
Im Army always will be .. STREAM DYNAMITE Haha
Below_the_current By what id?
kitsumirae MEEEEE. I love kpop! In fact I write original novels based on kpop fiction on webnovel xD
kitsumirae MEEEEE. I love kpop! In fact I write original novels based on kpop fiction on webnovel xD
kitsumirae Icy_Doll, I wrote for a while but I took the story down cuz it was too shit
Below_the_current I couldn't find you really. There are so many with the same username.
Bigbang/Blackpink here
kitsumirae seriously? Omg i didn't know lol it's the one with the girl underwater as a cover
kitsumirae I am a big pop fan. I am an Army , I also like other boys groups like Exo, Astro, GOT7, and SHINee. I just love Kpop boys group but my favourite of them all is Bts.
Would you guys recommend me your books?
Below_the_current I found it.