Webnovel has turned into a cesspool of Bad novels, Bad Reviewers and bad authors that can't handle intricate constructive criticism because they happen to be bad for their ratings.

We have authors that delete low reviews no matter the amount of time you spent reading their shite and no matter how Articulate, Detailed and thorough you review their novels!

They just go "dELetE REvIeW! LOw raTiNG BaD!" like they're allergic to critics

If these fuckin retards decided to write novels and thought "Everyone will love my work no matter how bad the grammar is and unrealistic it gets" then webnovel is a dead website with no improvement in sight at all.

I mean it's a russian roulette at this point because of how misleading rating these days are. I loathe bad authors that always give them-selves 5-star reviews that always fuckin say "FORGIVE THIS SHAMELESS AUTHOR".

Everyone is shooting at the dark, hoping to find something, hoping to find a good book with well-thought execution, A great plot, Fluent grammar, Goldilocks-zone pacing, Amazing character design and progression, Lucid World-building, Exquisite background information and the occasional Not-infodumping. Just to sate their needs of a good story and Pass time.

And then we have these lowlife Mofos who can't distinguish a good book and a good author that just bombards everything in their path with 1 star along with spamming emotes and screaming "THISSTORYISTRASHTHISSTORYISTRASHTHISSTORYISTRASHTHISSTORYISTRASHTHISSTORYISTRASH" like you can't fuckin understand simple english words.

These mindless fuckks will bulldoze everything in their path if they just happen to don't like a single thing in a book, and if they do happen to notice a single minor flaw. They will scream on the top of their lungs "THIS STORY IS GARBAGE! WHY U DO THIS! NOW THIS NOVEL TRASH CUZ YOU NO HAREM WITH BIG TITS! WHY U NO SEX! SEX MAKE STORY GREAT YU NO SEX SO STORY BAD".

Fuckerss like these should be shot dead in the street and hung in the streetlights like the dogs they are.

All In All. A Great Place To Read.


    I agree with most of your points, particularly that a lot of stories here are bad with inflated ratings, but I think you are being a bit harsh. Perhaps you should just read elsewhere? There are a bunch of different apps and websites like this one. Some actually have standards.

    One I frequent deletes any story that doesn’t meet certain minimum requirements (like grammar). It also doesn’t let authors delete reviews, and deletes any story with below a certain rating after enough reviews. There is also an active way to protest spam reviews for removal, and they weigh reviews based on a point system. This weighted system ensures that people who actually write and leave thoughtful reviews (which earns points) can influence a rating more than someone who does something like make a fake account to inflate ratings (the new account would have zero points).

    My point is simply that you can walk away and read/write at a place that meets your standards. There is no need to kill anyone, haha.

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