So I joined Inkstone like 3 days ago for fun. My novel currently has 7 chapters and 1 collection (I don't know who you are but thanks buddy!). In other words, it has 0 popularity. But, I already got a notification from Webnovel asking me to sign a contract. Is this normal? Or maybe they automatically send the contract to new authors and only sign them with the popular novels.

    PS I don't exactly have any plans to sign a contract. I'm just doing this for kicks. But I'd like to know if this is normal or not.

      Thanks for this, at least I know I am not special. I got a contract invitation as well, I am really suspicious because my book is not popular. I want to sign with them though because I am broke.

      I can't believe they did this to me, who is just writing for fun and isn't planning to contract.
      I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully you'll get a contract too.

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