Anyone down with a swap review about a mini-series, or short stories, about a Hispanic dude delivering pizzas, working for Yakuza to beat a spoiled adult who just blew the mind of a Gen Z Woman? Link:

Or you want something that contains SF? What about a teenager who becomes a werewolf, works in a hunting team to catch serial clown killer, slime monsters who can eat the guys' balls, and beating German Robots from the Earth Dimension where Hitler has won WW2 and WW3? Link to the novel:

    MortalLearner Review swap anyone?

    In reviewing your stories, I would have to read at least 5 chapters to have exactly an idea how your story is going and what your story is about. So, it might take longer for me to eventually post a review of your story, but rest assured that you will get a satisfying review from me.

    So, here's the link of my story if you're interested:

    Drop me your link and I'll certainly have a look at it.

    Happy reading and writing everyone!

      Hyowha Give it here. I need some good reading stuff for the weekend (My weekend is Sunday-Monday)

      Sea of the Forsaken

      Sea of the Forsaken

      It was supposed to be a normal visit to her uncle's place. Everything was planned out to prevent anything from happening by her parents, but it didn't end that way in the end. After taking a dive in an underwater cave with her cousins, Lynae and Meredith, something changed within her. Ever since that day, Amelia, Lynae, and Meredith uncover more on their family's secret lineage resulting in them becoming something that they thought was not possible. Now showing their true scales, they adjust their lives into becoming more than just mermaids, but as the rightful rulers of the five water realms along with two mermen. They meet other merfolk along the way to help guide them into making each of their designated realm a better place for everyone. However, not everyone would agree with what the five rulers have in mind as for what is best.
      The main concern would be set on the five after they discovered that they each inherited a special power from each sibling. But with those powers come with great distress. Fearing that history may repeat itself, the mer are keeping a close eye on Amelia since she is the reincarnate of the one whom was good at heart but became corrupt to the very end resulting in her transforming into a great beast that terrorized the underwater kingdom.
      If you want to take a dive into an adventure that stretches around the world while witnessing the supernatural elements these mer face everyday, then you are in the right place. Come under and see why the merfolk are not just a fairytale, but a lost race that the humans have forgotten for over centuries.


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