If someone want to exchange reviews my book is right here links


    Jo_J reviewed your novel. I like how you were able to add story structure to your novel. Nice work

    • Jo_J replied to this.

      RJMidnight I just gave you a review.
      Nice story. I read up to when the guy is getting turned to stone. I also added it to my collection.

      I edited my original comment.
      I was looking for like feedback on my first three chapters.
      What did you like and hate?
      Would you recommend it?
      Was it interesting? Did it have a hook?
      More like a beta reader.
      Thanks for the review though. Imma post it on Instagram.

        Gaureeey I'm reading it at the moment and left some traces as well. But just to let you know, I'm not reading it in one sitting since I'm at work hehe.. Will leave a review once I finished reading your chapters :D
        Appreciate your honest feedback. Thanks in advance and stay safe! :)

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