Nick named from it's snake-like appearance connecting two of the highest mountains in the world. Going about 1000km, and 500m wide. It's height raging about 3000ft. It's path is rumored to be filled with caves inhabited by monsters who lures those that chooses to take the tunnel into their clutches by singing or showing them their greatest desires or their worst fears and only the strong in heart filled with courage can be able to make it through the other side. The villages at the foot of the mountains uses this snake passage as right of passage for their young men and women who chooses to become warriors. It tastes their courage, their faith their truth and their strength.

The Abrogation Triangle

Stretching from the northern tip of the Forbidden Island, to the southern edge of the Misty Woods, and as Far East as the entrance to the Abyssal Tunnel Underneath atop mount spindle-thorn, there is a vast expanse of the barbarous countryside known as The Abrogation Triangle. This region has no charted villages or towns. Even magical creatures are scarce throughout it.

While it’s never been proven, and many are afraid to test it, but rumor has it that no magic exists in the region. Fairies and even dragons have been known to fall from the sky, unable to use magic to help lift their frames with their undersized wings. Mages have succumbed to ordinary animals that are usually not a threat due to their lack of a connection with the arcane, such as bears. Even magical items have been reported to lose their effects forever in The Abrogation Triangle.

Many adventures seeking riches and glory in other areas of the word have found themselves reaching their destination ill-prepared or injured after passing through The Abrogation Triangle. Arch Mages, magical races, and strong magical creatures tend to avoid the entire region. Philocleatus, the now deceased Elven king, once described The Abrogation Triangle as, “An offense to nature that is beyond the wisdom of the Elven people.”

The City of Horus

One of the great cities located on a mountain towards the edge of the world. Named after some powerful deity, this city has been the start of many wars throughout history. Its architects were clever, utilizing the mountain into part of the city itself. Its outer edges spread to the desert, making it convenient for caravans of traders to come. It is almost apt to call it a fortress, as it is a good source of protection. However, the people there, called Horaisians...something is off about them. Steely-eyed, strong...yet legend rumors that they have never been seen to smile or laugh. And all of them...are good with a blade.

Will a traveler perhaps venture there one day and find the reason why? Or perhaps, he will become one of them himself...

The Town of Beginnings

Nestled away in an open plain there sits a quaint village, the rough housing speaks of history, of times long past. Of families that have seen generations come and go with no need to advance beyond the simple small town life.

The town is almost haphazard, like each new house was given free reign to set down its roots. The simple lanes being little more than well worn foot paths well trodden by years of residents passing by each others houses.

The only landmark of note, an ancient willow tree, standing tall and proud beside the mayors house. Were it not for this tree that had stood there unbothered for centuries, one would find the town leaders house no different or resplendent than any other. For this is an easy going place, of simple, honest lives unconcerned with the hustle of wait lays beyond...

Canyon of the lost souls

Rumored to be present when people are lost, not in direction but in life. Legends mentioned it many times, and despite many are lost, not many tales about it, unfortunate.
The souls of disturbed peace wouldn't settle until visiting it in night, during dreams as the souls get freed from all the shackles of mortal life, and the owners could venture through this canyon, invited by the great witch living there.
A witch with a long spoon that would make all shudder when seeing it. The magical soup that she makes is really magical, able to relieve any distress and worries; not able to hide anything from her, even your darkest deepest secrets.
Confession of the soul, relieved by releasing all the hidden toll of the weak minds and tortured beings' sins caused by others; this is what this witch does in the canyon with her magical soup. Legends of the old spoke about a lost witch, lost her beloved daughter due to misfortune events, unable to rest until she found her daughter again. So, she lived forever in the canyon, inviting all the lost souls to her, looking for the one reincarnation of her daughter, hopefully she could relieve her distress, helping her in this life as she didn't manage to do in the past one.
Are you her lost child? Are you the one to relieve her from her own misfortune and misery? That's the question.

The Plains of Titans

Flatland as far as the eyes can see, located west of the City of Horus. Ghost of huge Titans roam the plain at night, it's said they are the ghost of the fallen Titans who fought with the Horaisians ages ago. Brave adventures will roam the plain to scavenge for ancient war relics and if they are lucky they will found some Titan remains.

The River of Night

Also known as the River of Lost Souls, this river is unique in that at night, you can see the night sky reflected in its waters, as if a galaxy in itself. Legend has it that the stars you see in it are the souls of the lost floating away... But in the morning it is merely a pleasant place to have a picnic beside.

The Fountain of Death

Named as such because of a legend surrounding it. the legend goes that it was where the first sentient creature experienced death. That creature in its final moments prayed to the lord of death, and the lord took pity and gave him a second chance and so was born the first undead.

Due to such legend it has become a tourist attraction to all walks of life, From the kings and priests to necromancers and cultist alike. however none dare to commit violence in such a place that had drawn the gaze of one of the eldest god.

Description of the fountain: It is a natural fountain that has existed since time immemorial and despite how the environment around it changes be it a drought or a flash flood a colorful an extremely heavy liquid exit it that has luminescent qualities, this liquid then after a few days dissipate into the ether. it should be noted that this liquid cannot be moved or picked up, it doesn't react to any type of energy be it physical or mystical in nature.

Bay of Stars

Hidden along a distant northern coastline lays a very special beach, the sand is a pale white that shines under the moon each night. Sparkling and glittering like untold countless gems strewn across the ground stretching from a sheer cliff face all the way to the lapping waves of the crystal clear ocean.

What truly makes this site magical is an array of boulders that shine with a metallic lustre, the dark sounds stand in a circle half buried in the beaches pure white sands while the other half jut from the ocean like a natural reef. Each night these stones shine, glimmering beneath the moonlight and calling to the stars above.

Wether it is the stones themselves, or some yet unearthed treasure beneath the sands, those that watch the skies amongst this ring of stones would see the stars dancing across the sky, shooting stars like a river flowing across the dark sky as if every star wished to come down and nestle amongst the pure white grains of sand like their brothers already there...

Kahul’s Stairway

Known by the human race as the “stairway to heaven” this white marble spiral-staircase stretches up from the center of The Plains of Titians into a cotton-like could of mana. Although harpies have measured the stairway to be exactly 100 meters tall, no living being has been able to ascend the staircase on foot.

Winged creatures who enter the cloud at the top pass through and report that nothing is in the cloud or over the staircase. However, none have been able to land upon the steps without simply passing though and falling.

On foot, the stairs are solid and a shimmering city of gold is rumored to be just visible through the clouds. Anyone who attempts to climb the tower finds each step more difficult than the last, until the force opposing them throws them from the steps.

No one knows what force keeps others from climbing the tower, but it doesn’t affect everyone equally. Some adventurers have managed to climb several steps before reporting any resistance. Others get thrown off the very first step.

Many brave souls from every race come from near and far to attempt to climb the steps and see what awaits at the top. The tallest recorded climb is sir Robert Kahul, a half-dwarf who ascended 30 meters before falling to his death over 1000 years ago. His reputation for unifying the humans and dwarves led many to believe that only a creature accepting and loved by all races could climb the stairway named after this half-blood king.

Titans Oasis

A small pond that randomly appears on the Plains of Titans at night when there's a full moon, the rumours said that the water will give whoever drinks it super strength like the Titans and will heal any diseases.

Many brave individuals tried to search for the oasis, some of them went missing either killed by the ghost titans or died by starvation after roaming the endless plains, and the lucky one come back with their lives even though empty-handed with injuries all over their body from the titans' attack.

But once in a while, a mysterious person with super strength will appear all over the world with ragged clothes and memory loss.

The Crystal Caverns

A mystical set of winding tunnels and caves. The walls are made of various kinds of crystals, and are lit up by the crystals that glow by absorbing mana and transforming it into light. The crystals of the cavern often form into complex shapes, from stalagmites and stalactites to entire forests. It is said that as soon as a crystal from the caves or tunnels leaves the cavern's mana-rich environment, it instantly transforms into a worthless mineral. Because of this, many people who have tried to mine the crystals for profit have failed and given up. The Crystal Caverns are infused with a heavy concentration of mana, allowing several of the species of animals that live in the caverns to evolve into more powerful species. The caverns are also a popular tourist destination, with its beautiful appearance and scenery.


In the Great Central Asian Plains, there is an ancient city that is more than 3000 years old. In this city there is an Old School, in the form of an eastern castle. Beautiful walls of turquoise bricks, ceiling covered with gold. Arabic script on the columns. There is a small well in the yard. According to the legends of the caretaker, this well connects two worlds. This peace on Earth and peace in space. Researchers who tried to find out if this was true or deceiving did not come back.

The well attracts the attention of tourists.

Loquim's Passageway

R. Loquim, one of the great wizards from the past, had built a wonderful, sprawling house for himself in the seams of the space-time continuum. Eventually, with the existence of time travelers, his house began breaking apart piece by piece, and he had to leave and move somewhere else. However, his passageway still exists. Some say, if you can reach the light at the end of the corridor, you will find what you have wished for...


The five orcish tribes each have their own version of a legend of a sixth tribe of orcs. This race is said to have existed and left the world before written history. All the evidence of their existence comes from orc sooth-sayers. The details of each legend are different, but they all agree on certain aspects.

First of all, the 6th tribe of orcs are called the luxuhkin, or light orcs by human factions. This race of orcs is said to have been more intelligent and less brutish than the other Races of orcs, with a connection to the arcane even stronger than the elves. Of course, the elves take exception to this fact.

Their magic Is said to be so strong that they created a city out of solidified mana, known as Al-HA-Shabaka. Some human races call it “the city of mana” but never in the presence of an orc. Al-HA-Shabaka is described as a glowing city of magic where nothing is made of metal, wood, or other materials of the world.

Buildings, furniture, and even household objects were permanent mana-bound items. They would respond to their owners will and were impossible to steal. Dishes could cook food or keep it cold, doors would open for those allowed to enter and remain immovable to those who were not, and the streets would paralyze those who intended harm to the inhabitants.

While mana can be formed into solid objects, elven mages claim that a city like this is impossible to create. All elves write legends of Al-HA-Shabaka off as the foolish fantasies of unsophisticated creatures with a poor connection to the arcane. Wars have been waged between the elves and orcs over the legitimacy of Al-HA-Shabaka, but no physical evidence of the city exists.

According to all of the legends, the luxuhkin found a spell to merge themselves with mana itself. They sang in unison and turned into a brilliant light, merging with the stars. All orcs agree that The Crystal Caverns are the souls of the luxuhkin that chose to stay in the world. Two of the more extreme orcish tribes have been known to attack miners and non orc-travelers that venture too deep into The Crystal Caverns where they believe the souls of the luxuhkin elders reside.


The world is under the school, only a few knew about it. Palace under the palace. The floor was covered with a thick carpet of greenery. The walls were light green and the ceiling was turquoise. This palace had a source of fresh water. It was delicious and gave strength to those who drank this water. Numerous corridors led to the main square of the palace. It was a green park. The center housed a library of knowledge about the past, present and future. Unfortunate researchers crowded around the shelves with books, they could not leave the source of knowledge. They flew like moths to the light of knowledge. They, like a monkey, were caught on a banana and could not let it go.

The Shadow of Cloud No. 7119

One of the mysterious clouds which has not yet dissipated. Legend says that if the cloud floats over your farm or you, even, you will receive good fortune. Still a mystery to meteorologists, however. Perhaps left over from some wizard's magic? Or perhaps some great being from the heavens rides upon it...

Saorenjin Sea

A mysterious, perilous sea next to the island of Shayu. A large whirlpool resides in the middle of it. Out of the many expeditions sent there, only 2 survived to tell the tale. It was rumored that at night, a large, serpentine creature can be seen frolicking in the sea.
Whatever you do, please explore that area with extra caution.


The books were so fascinating that the minds of the researchers were dragged as if by a large snake to the bottom of the source of knowledge. Nobody could, and did not want to leave this place. It was warm, good, there were bushes on the walls, on which hung yellow, green, red berries. They quenched hunger, water from the spring quenched thirst and gave strength. Each book was a new world, with its own special atmosphere. New knowledge allowed researchers to discover new worlds, new technologies. It excited their minds. After reading one book, they wanted to know the continuation of the story in another. And there were countless books. They could travel across other universes and worlds.

The Tablet NO.1

In the depths of The Misty Woods there lies a strange black stone tablet towering up to 9 meters, around it thousands of skeletons scattered on the ground. On the tablet hundreds of unknown words glowing red moving around as if they have a soul, with every move as if you can hear the last screams of terror of its victims.Legends say that the first necromancer managed to understand one word and obtained great power but at a great cost, his sanity.

if you are the creator of The Misty Woods, hope you like it.

if anybody has no inspiration please continue with The Tablet NO.2 with different kinds of powers.
Have a great day.

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