The five orcish tribes each have their own version of a legend of a sixth tribe of orcs. This race is said to have existed and left the world before written history. All the evidence of their existence comes from orc sooth-sayers. The details of each legend are different, but they all agree on certain aspects.
First of all, the 6th tribe of orcs are called the luxuhkin, or light orcs by human factions. This race of orcs is said to have been more intelligent and less brutish than the other Races of orcs, with a connection to the arcane even stronger than the elves. Of course, the elves take exception to this fact.
Their magic Is said to be so strong that they created a city out of solidified mana, known as Al-HA-Shabaka. Some human races call it “the city of mana” but never in the presence of an orc. Al-HA-Shabaka is described as a glowing city of magic where nothing is made of metal, wood, or other materials of the world.
Buildings, furniture, and even household objects were permanent mana-bound items. They would respond to their owners will and were impossible to steal. Dishes could cook food or keep it cold, doors would open for those allowed to enter and remain immovable to those who were not, and the streets would paralyze those who intended harm to the inhabitants.
While mana can be formed into solid objects, elven mages claim that a city like this is impossible to create. All elves write legends of Al-HA-Shabaka off as the foolish fantasies of unsophisticated creatures with a poor connection to the arcane. Wars have been waged between the elves and orcs over the legitimacy of Al-HA-Shabaka, but no physical evidence of the city exists.
According to all of the legends, the luxuhkin found a spell to merge themselves with mana itself. They sang in unison and turned into a brilliant light, merging with the stars. All orcs agree that The Crystal Caverns are the souls of the luxuhkin that chose to stay in the world. Two of the more extreme orcish tribes have been known to attack miners and non orc-travelers that venture too deep into The Crystal Caverns where they believe the souls of the luxuhkin elders reside.