LongRoad77 Silly question. It's like asking what kind of novel Buddhist write, or Shintoist write.
What kind of Novel can a Muslim write?
Uncle_Sheogorath this is not a silly question... it may be silly to you but not to me.
PS: I am not trying to start a fight. I am just asking question, peacefully :)
LongRoad77 Well I believe it's silly and absurd, not for you clearly....
PS: Why would there even be a fight?
- Edited
It would help if the question was actually there? Seems to have been deleted. Or are you just asking, in general? Be specific with your question as to what exactly it is you are asking for. Otherwise, it just sounds weird.
I believe that there are plenty of Muslim writers, just look for any Muslim country and check their most popular books. AFAIK, there are some religious restrictions for painters, but I never heard about writers
KingofWood A muslim can enjoy being a writer too as long as the content doesn't go against islamic rules and morals. Eg. No zina,no shirk or things that are negative towards islam etc. BarakAllaahu feek Ameen.
LongRoad77 Hi. Muslim author here. I write romance with a lot of fluff and even adult stuff lol. See, religion is personal. In webnovel, we can't include our religious views in our writing. Apart from that, we write our stories as per our vision. But if you're uncomfortable in writing adult themes, then perhaps go for teenage ones? This can include smut free romance, friendship theme, rpg/other game theme, fantasy, world building, adventure etc. There's loads of options. It all depends on how you want to portray your story :)
I am telling myself to not comment, ignore and pass.
The answer is pretty simple, you can write whatever you want. Just don't trigger sensitive stuff while writing and personally writing has nothing to do with religion because that's a personal matter. And I completely agree with (Tae_Tea) answer. There are mnay Muslim published author who wrote on every kind of stuff to raise awareness and to narrate the insights.
LongRoad77 i don't know how others who call themselves Muslim choose to practice their deen and how they do so is between them and Allaah but if they truly understood Isamic teachings they would know that Islam is a way of life. You CANNOT separate it from your everyday life. It's not just praying 5 times a day and then do all the haraam in the world. It does not work like that. As muslim we are taught that we should not lie cause it's a sin we should not steal nor commit zina. A muslim cannot tell lies and still call himself a Muslim. If a muslim indulges in haraam things the are referred to in Quran as a faasiq a weak muslim. So to the others saying that writing has nothing to do with religion. For muslims that is incorrect as the content will expose what kind of muslim you are and what level of understanding of Islam you possess. It's as simple as that. Sorry to say. There are many billions of muslims in the world but unfortunately not all of them are on the same level nor do many of them practice the way Allaah has commanded they should yet they give advice based on their own feelings instead of Quran and sunnah which just proves my point. May you be guided and don't fall to the dunya and temporary gains. Sorry this is so long but i just felt the need to explain cause a lot of ppl out there claim to be muslim but don't adhere to islamic teachings. Being muslim is just like a title to them there is no substance underneath.
KhadijahMakoul religion is personal. Just because we write mature content, it doesn't make us any less muslim. Not everyone will have the same viewpoint. We write the stories which our minds have concocted. Religion plays no role in it because our stories are our world. If you want to write something adhering to your beliefs, then you're free to do so.
But please do not attack someone's faith based on your perception. Here in webnovel, we don't discriminate between any faith and any sort of religious elements are banned in our stories as well.