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  • Is webnovel contract Verification a tedious process for everyone?

Personally I did everything correct but they send mail in the next morning saying contract Verification failed. Not sure why don't want to mention the proper reason. They would just say that name is not the same as in the ID. But it's exactly the same case sensitive, given name surname order with signature just as in instructions .
I have sent DM to contract editor in discord and he would just push me another document. When I say that everything same but still rejected there won't be any reply.
Is everyone facing this issue or is it just me..

    Yeah, it ain't easy.

    My contract went back and forth quite a few times before everything was as it should be. I can't remember all the details, because there sure were a lot of them. I think I had the name issue too - I wrote it normally, while on the ID it was all caps.

    On the plus side, once everything was fixed the contract was approved the very next day. So arm yourself with patience, and keep plugging away.

    2 months later

    Same here i tried to got rejected two times . I cannot upload my pdf too . Do you how to upload pdf and have you printed the contract and signed it .

      CHO_HA_RIN Actually you don't need to print it. You can sign an autograph using HelloSign and then download it and upload it in the contract.

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