Ana_musings I'll look at the undead alpha
January 2021: Review Swap Here
aigaakabane14 I've done your review! I hope you like it!
I will review yours in the weekend. I remember about it.
Ana_musings I've reviewed yours!
DarkseidEquation Thanks I will review yours.
Gabuji Hi Gabuji, I guess you posted a chapter comment instead of a review. You could edit and update your review. Thanks a lot.
sammielane448 Hi, I saw you gave really excellent feedback without holding the punches. Any chance you'd be willing to swap a review with me ? I'll check-out your Ember's Crown tomorrow?
Mine is: My Promise From The Pale Death God (
aigaakabane14 I've given a completely honest review of your chapters.
LaDiDah I've given my last review for today, but drop a link for your story and i'll read and review it first thing tomorrow over breakfast.
LaDiDah Oh, just saw the link, null-brain moment, i'll bookmark the page and read it tomorrow morning
Hey buddy I had a read of your story and left a review. Great concept and terrific opening. Really enjoyable.
If you get a chance to check out my story and leave a review, I would appreciate it:
Hey buddy, checked out your story and left a review. Loving the mecha action scenes early on - hopefully they'll be more later!
If you could take a look at my story (which is also action-packed and full of fight scenes) and leave a review, I would appreciate it:
Hi there champ. I checked out your work and left a review. Love the world you've created and your action is on point.
If you could check out my story and leave a review, I would appreciate it:
Hi there. I took a look at your novel and left my thoughts in a review. Much potential to be found. Really enjoyable opening four chapters. I have to read more soon!
If you could have a look at my story and leave a review, I would appreciate it:
Hit there. I had a read of you book and left a review. You have a great style and have introduced a fascinating world. I look forward to reading this later when you have a few more chapters ready.
If you could take a look at my story and leave a review, I would appreciate it:
Hi there, I decided to give your story a go and left a review. Enjoyable reading and quite funny. Moves at a great pace and hooks the reader from the get-go.
If you could take a look at my story and leave a review, i would appreciate it:
Easy_Tiger Sure, I will return the favor. Thanks
- Edited
Lumia: Other World
Done with the reviews on your novels...I hope You will review mine!
Review swap?
Lumia: Other World
Done with yours please do mine!
Review swap?
Here's the link tto mine :)!_19038368705025505