Done with your book . Waiting for my review .
January 2021: Review Swap Here
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Thank you . Reading yours currently . Will leave a review later .
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Mystic_Dragon_ Aight thanks for the reminder. :)
Pearys Done with the review .
lala_sanara Okay. I will continue reading yours as soon as I have time!
Mystic_Dragon_ I would like that.
Gaureeey Sorry my friend, I was away for a vacation... I will post the review as promised!
Allen_Clay012 oh a new face to me is here I see something you've made different from what I've been reading in some ways.....Count me in's-game_19143513405410505
Alom_10th Okay, I will post a review after those who reviewed my story. No worries, I will post yours before the weekend.
Allen_Clay012 Hello hello theree! Want to swap reviews and comments? :D
Here's mine hehe!'s-doom-starts-with...-me_19006657805910805
mozza_mello sure, I will review your work.
Whose up for a review???
Pearys Thank you I will do the same.
Pinkyprincess ah I've got it Thank You for the review will review yours back soon, been busy for a while
Alom_10th Hi! I've already finished reviewing your book! Please check out mine:
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Interested in a review swap?
Please find the link to my books. I will add your books in my library if you would add mine.
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Interested in a review swap?
Please find the link to my books. I will add your books in my library if you would add mine.
Interested in a review swap?
Please find the link to my books. I will add your books in my library if you would add mine.
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Pinkyprincess Haha..I have taken up a mighty challenge, I know. Kindly add the books to your library, I have added yours and I am reading it currently. Bdw, interesting premise. Especially, all of Tyler's puppies singing "I love you, baby."