Done with your book . Waiting for my review .
January 2021: Review Swap Here
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Thank you . Reading yours currently . Will leave a review later .
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Mystic_Dragon_ Aight thanks for the reminder. :)
Pearys Done with the review .
lala_sanara Okay. I will continue reading yours as soon as I have time!
Mystic_Dragon_ I would like that.
Gaureeey Sorry my friend, I was away for a vacation... I will post the review as promised!
Allen_Clay012 oh a new face to me is here I see something you've made different from what I've been reading in some ways.....Count me in's-game_19143513405410505
Alom_10th Okay, I will post a review after those who reviewed my story. No worries, I will post yours before the weekend.
Allen_Clay012 Hello hello theree! Want to swap reviews and comments? :D
Here's mine hehe!'s-doom-starts-with...-me_19006657805910805
mozza_mello sure, I will review your work.
Whose up for a review???
Pearys Thank you I will do the same.
Pinkyprincess ah I've got it Thank You for the review will review yours back soon, been busy for a while
Alom_10th Hi! I've already finished reviewing your book! Please check out mine:
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Interested in a review swap?
Please find the link to my books. I will add your books in my library if you would add mine.
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Interested in a review swap?
Please find the link to my books. I will add your books in my library if you would add mine.
Interested in a review swap?
Please find the link to my books. I will add your books in my library if you would add mine.
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Pinkyprincess Haha..I have taken up a mighty challenge, I know. Kindly add the books to your library, I have added yours and I am reading it currently. Bdw, interesting premise. Especially, all of Tyler's puppies singing "I love you, baby."
Sasheena_Lewis_2348 Check out mine and give me your link!
Emily Frost's steady life takes an unexpected turn when she is forced to work with Lucas Scott, her narcissistic ex boyfriend who is now one of the top 10 Male Artist in Big Time Entertainment.
mozza_mello Done!
lala_sanara Done too!
Sasheena_Lewis_2348 will do, adding your story in my library
Mystic_Dragon_ Ok :)
Hey buddy. I decided to take you up on your offer. Glad I did, Because I had quite a fun time reading yours. You have a great sense of humor and I look forward to seeing where you take your characters in future installments.
If you could take a look at my story and leave a review, I would very much appreciate it:
I'm glad you've like it. I'll review yours later. I'm currently busy today sorry.
JanSaetPgntln I'll do a swap with you here's mine's-game_19143513405410505
Ana_musings Guess I'll review yours too here's mine's-game_19143513405410505 ya know the deal
Easy_Tiger Leaving this here decided what you do with it's-game_19143513405410505
Ana_musings Thank you, I'll try giving your books a review tonight. If not, tomorrow for sure.
Mystic_Dragon_ I've finished reviewing your book! Here's mine
Alom_10th hey I left a review on your work. Here's mine
Ethan_Fernandes oh thanks
Ethan_Fernandes oh thanks also L
Done with yours too .