NightWind of course hehe thank you! I'll read yours now! Yours look legit interesting ngl lol
January 2021: Review Swap Here
Yesss! Looks interesting! Thanks :)
NightWind just dropped a review.
It's from Silent_walker
Same! I reviewed yours too! Glad I could read it :)
I am interested to review swap. If you're interested then we can swap.
- Edited
Anyone wanna review swap?
Mazoku was sacrificed in a Satanic ritual and due to that was possessed by a demon with one thought and goal: demolition. Now he regained his part of his mind he has two goals in his mind: restoring his soul and getting vengeance on who sacrificed him. However it won't be easy. Everyone is against him with the turmoil he caused and his nemesis is at the top of the leadership. Mazoku will need his friends with him to get revenge on who wronged him. It's time for the demoniac to burn it all!
Monsters/ Adventure/ Anime-ish/ Action/ Fantasy
Faysal_Ahmed_5058 Yep! On it!
DarkseidEquation It would be a pleasure.
NightWind Do you wanna review swap?
Sigheti I've finished yours.
NightWind okay. Nice writing. Loved the book. Although read only few chapters.
DarkseidEquation Sure! I'll read yours a bit later, since I still have to write the next chapter of mine, though haha. I'll get it done by tomorrow for sure.
lala_sanara Dropped a review!
mozza_mello Sent you a review!
Anyone up for a review swap if so give me the link to your book
Here’s mines: