RookAgent I have put out a review for your story, hope you'll enjoy mine
January 2021: Review Swap Here
Chaoscaller thanks enjoy mine as well
HideousGrain okay will do, please leave a review and I will get back to you immediately.
HideousGrain Sure, let's do it! The link to my story is:
Please enjoy!
Chaoscaller I'm sure I will
Chaoscaller One more thing about your novel. Specifically, your synopsis. May I suggest you change it? As in, retain a mystery to the story. Your synopsis generally needs to be mysterious, acting as a hook to drawing people in. Yours is a tad too... literal? You tell everything happening from the get-go, taking from the mystery of your story which --I think-- wasn't your primary objective.
Of course, this is just a suggestion.
Thanks champ, I look forward to hearing what you think of mine.
Hi there buddy, I checked out your story and left my review. You have a great imagination and a real talent for world building.
If you would take a look at my story and leave a review, I would appreciate it:
Hey buddy I reviewed your novel. Very interesting opening that hooks the reader. It reminded me a bit of 13 reasons why.
If your want to take a look at my story and leave a review, here it is:
RookAgent sure will start reading your book now
RookAgent done posting my review.
Gaureeey Hi, I'm done reviewing your book! Here's my link:
RookAgent I finished reviewing yours yesterday. If you have time be sure to check out mine.
Tangent34 comfortseavey Cyclxne JustLikeWriting777 Ibrex2000 wanna review swap with me? Here's the link.
Who wants to review swap?
Jhema I'm up for a review swap, here's the link.
Faysal_Ahmed_5058 I'll review yours, no need to try mine since you're done posting a review. Thanks btw :)
Would you like to review swap with me ??
Link :
You can tell me if you're interested.
Thank you.
Jhema sure! here's mine:
hope you can share yours.
Thank you!