I hope you like my novel! It's a mix of Horror and Fantasy, With a Female MC and a focus on action, mystery, folkloric legends, and light system elements:

Our world. Home of all people, home of every animal, and home of every plant. Everything that occurs has logical, scientifically-proven reasons to exist; Evolution systems that transform every lifeform into more adept, competent beings. Systems that transform matter and energy through perfect balance. Am I right?
I’m sure you’ll say I am. So will do 99.98% of mankind. But there is a certain person –One that is not the tallest, nor the strongest, nor the fastest, but surely has a mind sharper than a saber, and the curiosity of the youngest cat, that dares to argue against the elemental truth and laws that conform our universe and reality.
Her name is Vanilla Land. Quite the name, I must say. Is there a country or kingdom made of such flavor? Let me say, my dearest reader, that, from all clients I’ve worked with in the last centuries, she has been the most remarkable personality of them all.
(Maybe with the exception of that ginger man that rode giraffes and danced tap and waltz with orangutans, but let’s not even begin with that.)
Of course, her name has become but a forgotten souvenir from the past, but my friends: Time and Space, watch and record everything. No detail or scene ever escapes from them. Not even this moment of leisure between me and you, my sweet reader.
With hair blacker than the night and the cutest expression of them all, our lovely Vanilla looks way younger than she is. But that’s not the important thing about her, but the eccentrically disturbing story that she had to go through.
Time and Space will tell you about her extravagant story filled with demonical beings, supernatural apparitions and mythological beasts, pagan rituals, animal plushies used as weapons, travels to outside worlds and dimensions, drugs that let you live your deepest fantasies, talking puppies, handsome skeletons, badass Russians, and boy-crazy blondes. Are you up to the journey?
Hehe. Have little Vanilla patience at first, for she might be reckless, filled with a curiosity that might even make her lose common sense at times. But oh boy, does she learn. She is not the kind of person to trip over a rock twice. Well, she did on some occasions. Maybe even thrice.
But oh man. Once she gets to know the rock on the floor, she is gonna use it to smack your face multiple times, and once the rock breaks in twice, she is gonna use each fragment to destroy your balls and **** apart, only to return home victorious for a warm bath with classical music and a cold cola soda.
And then the next day she’ll be ready once again to kick ass, befriending weirder people and fighting scarier enemies in her quest, inside and beyond that grim yet colorful place of Gothic and Victorian architecture called Merry Oaths.
So, what do you say, my avid reader? Are you up to the ride? Unbuckle your belt, put off your socks, and have ready your favorite drink. It’s going to be quite the trip.