min_jasmine Done reviewing your book
February 2021: Review Swap Here
Alex_Itsios done with yours nice book
Chanelle_Dulay done reviewing nice work
I'll be waiting for mine
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Crazy_cronie I'm done reviewing yours
Will be waiting for mine
basementerz hey are u up for a review swap?
leeroycgna hey are you up for a swap?
AnimeTagz hey I'm up for a review swap
_AiRen_ hey, yep I'm up for a swap. I'll read and give you one a bit later tonight. Please check out mine in the meantime https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/19213099306810905?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4312395489
Hi there buddy, I decided to take a look at your work and leave a review. You're a very talented writer and doing a terrific job so far. Story is flowing great.
If you could take a look at my story and leave a review, I would very much appreciate it: https://www.webnovel.com/book/city-of-vengeance_18729317605753805
Jo_J I think you forgot to review to my novel
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Easy_Tiger Thank you so much! I appreciate your review. I will get to it soon!
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WinterQween Will review soon!
The_divine_oracle sure. Done reviewing your book.
Here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/our-happiness_18573780506351905
leeroycgna Done reviewing your book
Here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/our-happiness_18573780506351905
Alex_Itsios thank you.Sure!