lala_sanara Done. I have just started writing few days ago. Not many chapters though.
February 2021: Review Swap Here
dyaaran98 Ill review it tonight.
Mel_Aniv have you had the chance to review mine as well?
Let's review swap? Mine was new!
The Grandmaster's Rebirth's-rebirth_19214070205660805
Yeah! I made my review!
Mel_Aniv Even mine is new
- Edited
Mel_Aniv Ill review it tonight. Ill put it in my library. Okay
Done reviewing! I hope you vote too!
Oh sorry for the late review......I hope you vote again tomorrow? Your novel was nice, a catching start I should say!
Lexi_Roberson Sure I'll give it a look =)
d_elfe ah, I'm so sorry! Just take your time I don't mind.
Mel_Aniv Was it a genuine review? Becoz I felt good when I went through it. I am completely new at writing. If you have any suggestions for me please feel free to say.
And yeah, I have reviewed your novel too.
TylerNorris @yaoyueyi look out for spam
TofSpades Hello hello there! :D Let's swap reviews hehe! I'll add lots of comments tooo <3
Reading yours nowww :D
Here's my link, thank youuu!'s-doom-starts-with...-me_19006657805910805
JustLetMeSleep I'll do the forgotten thrills's-wife-is-a-little-too-daring!_16871733406710205
I'll leave a review swap soon just ping me up
Thanks and you are welcome! I am like you on the start and I know you have potential. Keep up the good work buddy!
_AiRen_ Done reviewing
Mel_Aniv Same to you
Done :)