Hey did anyone give a review to a Genz_Contecado or whatever????

- Dec 30, 2021
- Joined Dec 21, 2020
Chanelle_Dulay ok thank you!! Let me know if you get a review from Popsicle Jellyfish, that is another username I go by. I lost all the novels I was ready to review!! I had 20 links on my computer and got about halfway done. I woke up with a cold and can't seem to find those links again. I went back and I think I may have gotten everyone. Let me know if I did or didn't!!! I still would like to review your book!!!
AggGkatsos doing a review swap can also help you get an overall rating of your novel. You need at least 10 or 12 to have an overall rating. I don't remember how many you need though. This also helps you to kind of promote your book as well!!! I hope this helped!! :)
AggGkatsos authors can review each others novels. For instance, if you wanted to do a review swap, you would read mine, and I would read your novel. We would each leave a review for each other's books.
- Edited
Hey everyone!!! For those who I said I will leave a review asap, could you please respond to this comment??? It would be under the username Popsicle Jellyfish. I currently woke up with a massive cold, and I had the links on my laptop. I didn't find time to put them in my library yet!!! I seem to have lost them for some reason. My laptop did a restart thing while I was asleep!!! I do want to review your book, I just need to know who I haven't yet!!! Thank you!!! Again, so sorry to have to ask for it again. My laptop just doesn't want to cooperate with me, and my current illness is dragging me on. Thank you and much appreciative of the current reviews from y'all!!! You guys are extremely too kind to my book!!!
_AiRen_ absolutely!!! Let me know if you get a review from Popsicle Jellyfish thats me lol
Mel_Aniv have you had the chance to review mine as well?
Mao_Yuxuan I think I did but I can't remember lol. If you get a review from Popsicle Jellyfish then it's me lol. What is the title of your story?
Mao_Yuxuan I should have a review done soon. I have 12 left. Yours may or may not have already been done lol. If it is it should be under Popsicle Jellyfish
Idczhen I would love to do a review swap? Here is mine, Ill leave a review as soon as possible https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505
WinterQween Definitely want to do a review swap!!! I will try and leave a review asap!!! Look for Popsicle Jellyfish!!! Here is the link to mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505
Easy_Tiger Yes, just now saw this!!! I did leave a review for you!!! A very captivating story and I added it to my library!!! Thank you, it was meant to make a point lol!!! It should be under Popsicle Jellyfish!!!
Tokio999 Would you like to do a review swap??? If you do amazing!!! I will leave a review asap, here is the link to mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505
dyaaran98 Would you like a review swap??? If so here is mine, I will try to leave a review asap!! https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505
Bigbrosmallbro Would you like to give a review swap? I will go ahead and leave one!!! If you do here is mine!!! https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505
_AiRen_ yessss ok!!! I will leave you a review asap!!! Here is the link to mine!!! https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505
she_osprey I would love to do a review swaop if you don't mind!!! I will leave a review for you, here is the link to mine!!! https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505
Kitsurapls Would you like to do a review swap??? If so here is mine, I will leave a review asap!!! https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505
Shionokami Do you want to do a review swap??? Here is mine, I will leave a review asap!!!! https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505
leeroycgna Would you like to do a review swap??? I will go ahead and leave a review for you!!! If you do here is the link to mine!!! https://www.webnovel.com/book/totally-in-love-by-l.-roberson_18848271505278505