WinterQween awesome! I could do it right now if you could too! Do you need my link or have you seen my original post?
February 2021: Review Swap Here
kaboo If you wanna review swap here's mine
kaboo hi I saw your og link, I will get to it later tonight!
Review swap? Mine was new!
The Grandmaster's Rebirth's-rebirth_19214070205660805
Review swap? Mine was new!
The Grandmaster's Rebirth's-rebirth_19214070205660805
Jay_Mhekzy Hi I'm up for a review swap here's my link
kaboo hey, done! Really well written, good job haha
Lexi_Roberson done!
This is the link to my newly written book. This is my first book and I am still working on it.
Review swap?
The Grandmaster's Rebirth's-rebirth_19214070205660805
JustLetMeSleep Done reviewing. The plot is truly worth reading.
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I'll read yours if you read mine <3
Synopsis: When Elaine, a hardworking university student had died due to an accident, she was reincarnated to an romance novel! She was told if she wanted to live, she must prevent the heroine from getting the Prince. Can she do it?
My story is new and still short, do give it a try!
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Lexi_Roberson Gave my honest review, I look forward for ur review on mine (Luck is a Charm) although I have to say my first few chapter are rough and I don't plan to re-editing them anytime soon as it is there to show the drastic improvement to my current chapter
WinterQween here is the link to mine.
WinterQween here is the link to mine.
lala_sanara I have given my review after reading your first 10 chapter and indeed it is unique and to my taste. I look forward for ur review for my "Luck is a Charm" but i suggest reading my latest then go back to chapter 1 to notice my writing improvement