[unknown] I'll try and get you before I head to bed. As I mentioned, I'm fairly brutal about my reviews, but I feel like negative feedback helps more than positive. Maybe that's just me.
March 2021: Review Swap Here
LordSputnik Let's do it. Nothing better than an honest review
Primate Alright. Can I add your story, God of Immortals, to a work of mine for the next chapter?
Anyone up for a review swap?
Here's the link to my novel:
Reply to this with your novel's link, I'll drop a review asap.
hey, anyone wanna swap reviews?
Leave a reply if it is the case.
Here's my link: links
TofSpades https://www.webnovel.com/book/death-before-the-beginning_19351095105076405
I won't be able to drop a review right now, but I'll do that in 24h hours top.
Done your reviews
Juliet_Omuadona I'll do an honest review, please do the same.
Primate Okay great!
Hello All,
Hope you are having a great day. A bit late to the game but anyone whose down for a review swap please let me know or just post a review on mine and I'll go and leave a review on your work :D
This is mine: The Villainess is worse the second time around.
Title: king of the east universe
Genre: fantasy
Link: https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/19403680905228805?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4315879775
Hi there,
I left a review on yours :)
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-villainess-is-worse-the-second-time-around_19276786806019905
Septic_Red Go ahead
Hey there,
I just left a review on yours. Good work!
Here's mine:https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-villainess-is-worse-the-second-time-around_19276786806019905
Hey there, I Will take a look :D
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-villainess-is-worse-the-second-time-around_19276786806019905