alienfrommars hi! already made my review of your novel! you write beautifully keep uploading new chapters for more views :)
March 2021: Review Swap Here
Glojade hi pretty girl! already made a review of your novel, i hope my input is of any help looking forward to your review on mine
Mel_Aniv I have done mine
Review swap anyone?
My link:
I added yours to my list. I will be commenting soon.
Cheers buddy. Thanks for the review!
I will give yours a proper read and review it tomorrow.
- Edited
JoJo_References Thanks!
I will read your work (or as much as I can) in about 10 hours after I finish working. I will try and finish and post my review before I go to sleep!
Thanks in advance for the swap! I just reeditted all my 3 chapters, they should be perfect now (grammar wise).
Willing to review swap, simply reply to this and I'll read through the first dozen or so chapters of your novel.
Here is the link to mine, Aura of Magic - A cultivation/fantasy novel.
PLEASE READ UNDER HER SKIN AND GIVE A REVIEW!!! I will read your novel and do the same!!!
I think you would really enjoy reading the book. But if you don’t have time, I totally understand!
Best of luck reading & writing!!
This message turned out longer than I thought, but have a wonderful day!!!
yu_chan_desu Hey author! I hope everything is going great for you.
If you ever have any free time, you should check out my new novel UnderHerSkin. I think you would really enjoy reading it. But if you don’t have time, I totally understand!
Best of luck reading & writing!!
This message turned out longer than I thought, but have a wonderful day!!!
Colin_Daumen I'm game. Here's my link.
I'll check yours out now.
Google pays 85$ per hour. My last paycheck was $8500 operating a hundred hours per week online. My younger brother's friend has been averaging 12k for months currently and he's employed for twenty-two hours per week. I can’t believe however simple it had been once I attempted it out. This is often what I do to check further details by opening the link and clicking on (HOME TECH OR MEDIA.) Click Here For More Information..................
To anyone who wishes to review swap:
Wolfgirl1215 I'm interested, here's my book
I have reviewed your novel and gave you a 5 star to help you out!
Good luck with your writing! And please review my novel as well in return! Thank you
David_Neilsen Checking yours out now. Thanks for the review
goldenchild725 I'm willing to exchange a review!
Best of luck!
Btw here's my link
Hi I'm willing to do a swap with you! I will start reading your novel tonight and will post a review afterwards!
If you can do the same with my novel I would appreciate it! You can find the link a view posts above this one or search for the title: 'Smells Like Heaven'
Let me know if you're interested, thanks!