I’m so tired of coming onto webnovel and it asking ~ ohhhh do you want roooomance or leveeeling up stories ~ because woman can only read romance and boys can only be macho. This is a problem.
Why is webnovel being sexist
If you stop caring for small things, nothing can affect your mood anymore!
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Not to mention LGBTQIA+ is in Female lead because .....men are not allowed to lead/read LGBTQIA+ stories? So, I Had to put my definitely Male lead story into the Female lead category. But yay, gender equality!! XD
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To me it doesn't matter because let's be honest here. Man are man, women are women, cucumber are cucumber etc. . Not everyone is using Twitter to show their gender and how important they are and luckily I can create whatever story I want cause I have no contract and that means... FREEDOM!!!
From my point of view, it's just how it is. Women and girls come here to read romance novels and men as a majority do not read romance novels. It's frustrating to me as well because I'm a female reader of fantasy and action and I avoid those CEO romances like they carry plague. Can you imagine how annoying it is to see my recommendations filled with blackbelly boss novels? If webnovel mixed it up though, I expect to see lots of men in the forums complaining about the romance novels showing up on their feeds.
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Well, you can just adjust the type of novels you want to see them featuring since you can select either male lead or female lead. (In the app) I, for one, switch between them from time to time in the app since I read both romance story and fantasy/action story.
But yeah, the way the genre is divided followed the majority (which unfortunately means female favors romance while men choose action/adventure) but exception always existed.
Edit: in case you didn't know, you can select the lead (male or female) in the explore tab at the top right
Arama_Erotmos I actually like that they're separated. I role play when I read. I pretend that I'm the MC. I have a hard time getting into the story if the MC is a different gender from myself, so I like only getting stories with a male MC. The problem is the authors who use a specific gender for specific story types. There should be more female leveling up stories and male romance stories.
Arama_Erotmos How dare they ask for what your preferences are in novels so they can try suggest novels you are more likely to like. The nerve they must have
i dont get the problem here. if you dont like those novels just choose the other option? and i dont think you know the definition of sexist if your calling webnovel of all things "sexist" i see a fuckton of gay shit on male mcs especially apocalypse novels. so i dont see what yall are talking about
it's because qidian is literally separated into qidian.com and qidianforgirls.com
Someone seems to not understand how the Law of Supply and Demand works. I guess words like sexism will magically destroy such a concept. BOOOM(like a bomb) SEXISM. You stupid authors you smell that flavour? Its sexism delete that shit, we don't need such sexism here, delete it!