Worst update. Just delete this app
Fast pass is messed up for me
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Ah impossible not to comment.
So you are used to go everyday to a candy store and the clerk used to give you lots of free candies as samples. EVERYDAY. Then, after a while, the clerk started to hand you a maximum of 3 FREE candies/day.
Months later, the clerk decided to give you only chocolate candies FOR FREE.
And you think it's unfair.
What about paying for the chapters you want to read? The author will appreciate it more than free passes and free votes.
SesameStreetGngsta I want the spirit stones back. Release these chains on me!!!
After the long line of limitations in combination the most recent change where no longer 3 free pass are given You as the administration make it impossible to use the app without pay. With three FP it was possible the read and follow one story and with small support a second. Now 33% reduction make it a necessity to pay for using the app. There for losing the competitive value of a free platform and a loss to the paying platform with professional writers.
SrtaA I don't think you know just how badly authors are treaded by webnovel, hell you probably earn more money monthly/yearly than most of them do.
Problems with webnovel:
1. Plagiarism
"My biggest novel which was stolen wholesale from me was World of Women, which someone decided to copy and paste on Qidian. If you’ve wondered why I hide half my work behind patreon, copy protect my site, and prevent you from right clicking (edit: I no longer do these things)… that’s why. Okay… so fine… webnovel doesn’t put any oversight over their novels. They can’t control people, right? If someone goes forward and posts a story they don’t own… and then tries to collect money for said story, Qidian can’t be expected to check everything, right?
In fact, webnovel has a means of allowing you to contact them and report copyright infringement. This is what I did… nine months ago . To this day, my novel still sits on their site. I even contacted them regarding a different issue, and, during that issue, I mentioned my story was being infringed… only for the guy to stop emailing me. At this point and time, I’ve had my lawyer write a cease and desist and sent it to them. And at least at the moment I’m writing this two weeks after that happened, the novel is still up. That novel to date has received 400k views, by the way. Nearly ½ a million views of my story went to this other author… who hasn’t been banned in the slightest despite dozens of abuse reports. If you want to know why World of Women, NTR, and Enslaved are Patreon-only, feel free to blame the source, ViTaLynus. However, this blog also isn’t about shitty people, but webnovel.com themselves. Simply put, Webnovel does not care." -quoted text from authors blog post.
2. Forcefull acquisition of novels
What they do care about though is acquiring webnovels from other people and forcing those novels to be exclusive on their site. If they see something doing exceptionally well, they want it, and are willing to poach it from other sites if they have to. Many a WuxiaWorld novel has suddenly moved to webnovels due to these sorts of backroom deals.
3. bUt YoU CaN rEaD iT FoR fReE!!!111
"What? You want to use some blacksite that stole the novels from Qidian? But what about those poor authors and translators on Webnovel? They’re just struggling to get by, and now you’re going to deprive them of the funds they need to survive? Are you some kind of monster? You get all this content for free… and you can’t even pay a little?
Edit: I was also informed that even their microtransactions are set up to screw over authors. You see, you can earn gems to unlock chapters two ways. First, by watching commercials and doing a daily check in. Second, by spending obscene amounts of money. It turns out, of the gems earned by advertisement, none of that money goes to authors. Only gems you purchased from the store do so. So unless you spend actual money to unlock chapters you’re not even helping the author with clicks.
It’s too bad that Qidian doesn’t give a shit about authors or translators. First off, they do not let authors have any kind of social network. Their author’s page consists of what work they’ve put up, their sex, and the day they joined. That’s it. If you were expecting any other information on the author, like an about me page, too bad. The authors do get a little author’s note they can put at the end of chapters. It’s limited to only like 1000 characters but sure… author’s can talk to their fans through that, right?
Well, hopefully, you don’t need to give your fans a link to your Twitter, Facebook, blog page, or donation website… because Qidian does not support links. In fact, it doesn’t support any but the most basic formatting. Even the simplest actions cannot be done in Qidian. They don’t even offer a means of using bold or italics. If you don’t know that ctrl+b is bold… you could be forgiven for thinking you could not bold text once it has been copied into their text box. Forget embedded images, lists, or status bars. And while we’re not being user-friendly, they also are happy to censor your words for you.
Do you like censorship? I hope you do… because they actually censor writers without even giving them a chance to refute it. And it isn’t like they tell you what they censor first… it isn’t like I get a warning and a chance to fix my words in the text. The only way I know what is censored is to look up my book in the reader app and scan the page for asterix.
Qidian will host the dirtiest, most inappropriate pedophilia sex novel imaginable… but they’ll censor the word penis out of it through an automatic computer decision. Let that sink in for a moment.
On that topic, do you know what other word they censor? Patreon. Yeah. The donation website? They censor that word! They literally block authors and do not allow them to ask for financial support. I would not be surprised if Ko-fi and Paypal are also dirty words in the Qidian dictionary.
So… how does Qidian expect authors to support themselves? Through Qidian… of course. Gemstones! Gemstones! Gemstones! As long as you become Qidian’s bitch… and also only if you’re incredibly popular to the point where you don’t really “need” Qidian… then Qidian will be happy to sign you up as one of their authors. Remember, you only get this offer AFTER you’ve proven to be profitable for them. They’re not paying for talent… they’re paying for results.
Just like they poach popular novels from other sites, they’ll also poach their own popular writers, forcing them into contracts with often pitiful pay while Qidian collects the majority of the profits. They intentionally design their entire system around keeping authors from being acknowledged. Power stones go to the novel, not the author. Don’t even get me started on how just ranking a book so it gets seen requires another consumable good that can be purchased with microtransactions.
The contract that authors who want to earn money on Qidian must sign is ridiculous. I’ve looked into the contracts myself, and while I won’t get into details, basically Qidian takes all rights to the author’s work. The author can not post it anywhere else, and this includes bonus content they may be offered on Patreon-like sites to donators and supporters. Basically, if you choose to take money from Qidian, your work ceases to be yours. It should be no surprise that they sign their contract under Chinese law… because many of their contract points would be illegal in a western country."
If you want to know more just hit up google and search "why do people hate qidian/webnovel" there will be a lot of information for you to search trough, hope you have fun.
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Yeah, I read a lot about it and I still signed with them. I don't think it's perfect, I'd like to earn more from my books. Who wouldn't it?
I don't love Qidian, or Tencent, or Webnovel. They are companies and they pursue profit. I do, too. If I'd like to write for free I would put my novels on a free blog.
If I'm too young or inexperienced to understand that and deal with contracts I must seek the help of an adult or a lawyer (usually they are adults too).
Yes, I'm fortunate enough to work on a profession I love and I'm able to pay my bills with it.
Unfortunately, I'm not able to pay my bills with what I earn from writing. I can't compare because I know there are people who would feel rich with this money. Unfortunately I live in an American country where it can just pay my monthly grocery bill with Webnovel's income. It's an expensive country, oh yeah.
I think you are well versed how much a traditional publisher pays for a first timer. The wannabe author must present them a book several times edited, just to have them edit it again. And don't you dare come up with a novel as the ones you see on Webnovel. They won't consider you.
So, considering you know how much they pay (and of course, you know there are several times of contracts. One of them is the sharing profit type, kind of the one Webnovel uses here). Guess what? Webnovel pays 50% of the profit for the exclusive contract. Traditional Publishers pay 40%-60% for the same type of contract. So, no worries here, at least for me. I don't feel cheated at all.
If I was sure I was creating the next World Classic, or at least something next to the virotic level of Dan Brown, well, I wouldn't publish it online to begin with. So, if you publish online, you risk a lot. The only way to earn money after publishing online is with a contract.
You don't know, but my novel is on several pirate sites, for free. They are earning money from my work, too. I feel it like a bleeding stab in my side. HOw dare they to copy and distribute my work 'technically for free? Of course it's not for free. Ah, the adverts, the malicious codes to make your PC a coin miner... They are earning money with my work!!! If Qidian can't prevent them from stealing my work, how could I?
My contract don't say I should earn from third part advertisements in their website, so I don't think I have any offended rights here.
I'm sorry about your situation with plagiarism. Since you are in talks with a lawyer I'm sure he can inform you the steps he's going to make it legally. I don't know this much about international laws. I hope the right side prevails in the end.
Oh wait, it seems I misunderstood, it's not yours but you are quoting someone else. Right?
And I agree with a lot of things you said. I think the method of poaching authors is cringy (technically is not them, but 'liassons' so we should tread carefully here). Also, the pornography is, at least, less controlled than desirable.
Considering how spam is, I'm glad they don't allow link sharing. As an author my inbox would be crammed with penis enlargement links every morning.
Reimfrost Hmmm, I think even if they change back coins into spirit stones, the same thing still would happening. Only the currency/term used is different. Oh, and the coin/ss symbol.
This fast pass is so annoying i want to read more but i can't use it what a waste
Google pays 85$ per hour. My last paycheck was $8500 operating a hundred hours per week online. My younger brother's friend has been averaging 12k for months currently and he's employed for twenty-two hours per week. I can’t believe however simple it had been once I attempted it out. This is often what I do to check further details by opening the link and clicking on (HOME TECH OR MEDIA.) Click Here For More Information.......https://clck.ru/RZVTh
SrtaA As long as you like what you are doing then all is fine, altough it does not mean qidian is not extremly scummy in the managment of their app and many "hidden" updates.
Google pays 85$ per hour. My last paycheck was $8500 operating a hundred hours per week online. My younger brother's friend has been averaging 12k for months currently and he's employed for twenty-two hours per week. I can’t believe however simple it had been once I attempted it out. This is often what I do to check further details by opening the link and clicking on (HOME TECH OR MEDIA.) Click Here For More Information............https://Tiny.one/Right75