Hello all, writer here looking for review swaps.
Above is the link to my story. I am competing in WPC#170, and thus NEED to get the reviews in before the 20th. Earlier the better.
Since I don't want to post 12 replies for every book in the thread I plan on reviewing, I'll just post their titles here-
Your Highness, why are you being so shameless?/ DONE
Herculean Machine/ DONE
The Forbidden Fruit/ DONE
PK Period/ DONE
City of Vengence/ DONE
The Shadow I live with/ DONE
Perfect Imperfection/ DONE
Penance/ DONE
I don't want to marry the CEO!/ DONE
One night stand with the naughty CEO: Wizard Series/ DONE

You can expect a 5 star review from my sock puppet account, evilantonio430, within a day or two. I'll leave actual commentary for the text itself. If I don't hear from you after my review is posted, you can expect to receive a polite PM from me.
If you are just now seeing this post, your book is not listed, and you want to do a review swap then just PM me or leave a reply here. I'll make sure to double check this forum at least nightly for any replies.

EDIT: all listed review swaps have been completed as of 4/23

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