I've got a sci-fi story here, set in a world of super heroes. It has a generally comedic tone, with some death game elements to be introduced later on.
I've got a sci-fi story here, set in a world of super heroes. It has a generally comedic tone, with some death game elements to be introduced later on.
Dedz_ I'd also love to do a swap with you. My novel, The Star Child Games, is just shy of ten reviews. You should see my review by the end of the day. it'll be through my sockpuppet account, evilantonio430
Hello all, writer here looking for review swaps.
Above is the link to my story. I am competing in WPC#170, and thus NEED to get the reviews in before the 20th. Earlier the better.
Since I don't want to post 12 replies for every book in the thread I plan on reviewing, I'll just post their titles here-
Your Highness, why are you being so shameless?/ DONE
Herculean Machine/ DONE
The Forbidden Fruit/ DONE
PK Period/ DONE
City of Vengence/ DONE
The Shadow I live with/ DONE
Perfect Imperfection/ DONE
Penance/ DONE
I don't want to marry the CEO!/ DONE
One night stand with the naughty CEO: Wizard Series/ DONE
You can expect a 5 star review from my sock puppet account, evilantonio430, within a day or two. I'll leave actual commentary for the text itself. If I don't hear from you after my review is posted, you can expect to receive a polite PM from me.
If you are just now seeing this post, your book is not listed, and you want to do a review swap then just PM me or leave a reply here. I'll make sure to double check this forum at least nightly for any replies.
EDIT: all listed review swaps have been completed as of 4/23
The Star Child Games actually had another title before I changed it due to being too long: Mad Cultivator, Madder World. So if you like death games, super heroes, ghosts, monsters, cultivators, aliens, and secret societies then this book has you covered on all fronts. I am also currently competing with this work in WPC#170: Hidden Genius. As such, I am fully prepared to perform tricks like a sea lion in exchange for power stones. Please support this obese yet still somehow starving artist.