I'm currently in Russia, the app and web version is working ok

    Same here - doesn't work all of a sudden.

      jubjic I've had a similar issue in Australia before. I was completely unable to connect to the website or load any data from the app. Other people in Australia (or those who used an Aus IP via VPN) held similar issues at the time and seemed to be the entire country was simply blocked. It was unblocked again after about half a day.

      I think they may be either the dev team are testing things behind the scenes, or... I don't know. Perhaps try emailing Webnovel support. If anyone has the ability to address the problem/provide you an answer as to what has happened, it's them.

        Wolfick Thank you for the suggestion, just sent an email. Hope they actually read it :)

          jubjic Надеюсь что-нибудь узнаете. Ежели не сложно, то можно позже узнать ответ?

            And the summary of the official answer is: "Due to policy reasons, Webnovel is no longer available in Ukraine. I can’t disclose any more details as to “why“ Webnovel was pulled out from Ukraine." Unless someone is a paying customer and can start a legal dispute due to violation of Terms of Service, I believe the only path is using VPN or switch to other sites.

              Foxton Ну если кратко, то ответ "кто-то наверху принял решение закрыть доступ для Украины, но мы не можем сказать кто и почему". Мне уже даже интересно, какую проблему решают такими странными методами :)

                jubjic Судя по всему передумал, ибо уже всё работает.

                  i also have this problem and I'm living in Iran.

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