kpthe1 Sure.
It’s done already
May 2021- Review Swap here!
kpthe1 please do mine.
Hello everyone, thanks for your support. I have reviewed everyone who has reviewed my story. Sorry it took me this long but I have been having some challenges with school, health as well as looking for a job. I have been taking time to re-edit my story and I thank Webnovel for the opportunity.
My story will be getting some chapters uploaded soon as it takes time to re-write and re-edit. Please be patient. Anyone who wants to review as well as comment is welcome too. Can't wait to read what you have to say about my story.
Hey! Are you done with your edits? If yes I would like to review swap with you.
Here's the link to my book:
Hey guys, anyone interested with a review swap? If it is the case leave a reply and I'll get to you as soon as possible (within the day).
Here's my link:
Hello, everyone. Is anyone up for a swap? I would love to hear your opinion about my work.
Hey sure.
Here's my link:
MichelleLeeee thank you, dear!
Anyone up for a review swap?
Here's mine:
Jo_J Done with you review!!
I'm up for swaps for my 2nd novel. Reply to this and I'll review yours.'m-a-walking-disaster-with-my-unwanted-virginity_20165490806527505
Is this for the contest? I will vote okay?
CodeyVanilla HiHi sure. Will review tomorrow. Mine is:'s-chosen-%5Bbl%5D_19286518306050405
Mel_Aniv yup, and thanks .
Dnii_Lii Done with your review! It is such a good ride!! Can find more in chapter comments and real review! By the way here is my novel link, again, in case if you can't find it ><'s-aid_20143884806216905
CodeyVanilla Done with your review!!