kpthe1 collected
May 2021- Review Swap here!
CodeyVanilla hello! i can do one with you. mine is
Yoan_Roturier I am interested.
Rudia_Estelle Wanna review swap?
Yoan_Roturier will do it right away
Okay! I'm currently reading yours!
New book released. Let’s swap reviews. I will review yours within a few hours. Drop your links
let_me7 Ok, I added yours to my library. I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Yoan_Roturier sure. Review mine
CodeyVanilla hey review and comment on mine please?
Proteety_Promi hey review and comment on mine please?
Rudia_Estelle hey review and comment on mine please?
MichelleLeeee hey review and comment on mine please?
CodeyVanilla Thanks. Done with yours.
kpthe1 hey, done with yours. It'd be best if you could focus a little more on tense. Interesting plot though
CodeyVanilla sure, it might take a few hours so I'll keep yours collected.