Mel_Aniv yup, and thanks .
May 2021- Review Swap here!
Dnii_Lii Done with your review! It is such a good ride!! Can find more in chapter comments and real review! By the way here is my novel link, again, in case if you can't find it ><'s-aid_20143884806216905
CodeyVanilla Done with your review!!
Rudia_Estelle i'll check it out rn.
kpthe1 collected
CodeyVanilla hello! i can do one with you. mine is
Yoan_Roturier I am interested.
Rudia_Estelle Wanna review swap?
Yoan_Roturier will do it right away
Okay! I'm currently reading yours!
New book released. Let’s swap reviews. I will review yours within a few hours. Drop your links
let_me7 Ok, I added yours to my library. I'll get to it as soon as I can.
Yoan_Roturier sure. Review mine
CodeyVanilla hey review and comment on mine please?
Proteety_Promi hey review and comment on mine please?
Rudia_Estelle hey review and comment on mine please?