May 2021- Review Swap here!
Oracle_Myth sure, I'll collect it and read shortly
Oracle_Myth I only read the first chapter. I think your grammar could use some work. Not a bad story but the awkwardness of some sentences kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
Nr_Yet1208 thanks for the feedback
Review and collection swap anybody? Mine is BL fantasy based on Hindu mythology. Please let me know. :D The reviews will be up within 24 hours. Here is my link:
I am up if you are. Mine is BL mythological fantasy and the review will be up in 24 hours. Please let me know if it sounds good to you. :D
fantasybliss30 yeah sure. I'll keep yours collected and read it in a few hours
fantasybliss30 done. It's pretty good. Glad to have read it. I'll keep it in my collection
AtaiMuratbekov sure!
AtaiMuratbekov sure!
I'm up for swaps for my second novel. I'm also participating in the writing prompts contest. So votes are welcome if you like it. And feel free to keep my first story collected too and ill do the same to you. Thanks in advance.'m-a-walking-disaster-with-my-unwanted-virginity_20165490806527505
Title: The Devil and the Huntsman
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen
Do you like medieval dark fantasy stories, my story might be for you if you want to review swap!
Bunny_Junnie Done :) pls check mine's_19810568505313605
CodeyVanilla Oh, I forgot
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Hello. Up for a swap?
Proteety_Promi itโs okay
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fantasybliss30 I'm up
Here's mine:
I'll give you my review as soon as I get yours
Jo_J Done ! really liked your first story it's really relatable :)
check minne's_19810568505313605
Oracle_Myth I'll review yours : )) here's mine
Thank you so much for the great review!! Yours will be up soon too. It is the unwanted virginity one right? :D