
Usually you can promote your work(s) by posting in the monthly Self-Promotion and the Monthly Review Swap thread, but the Mods haven’t been posting them lately for some reason. Readers also post requests for reading suggestions. As long as your work(s) fits their search criteria, you can suggest your own work(s) for them to try. Sorry for the late reply😅 Been busy making extra $$ for Christmas. Happy holidays and I wish you luck on you future endeavors☮️❤️😁

That depends on if you have a contract with Webnovel or not. They have two kinds: Exclusive and Non-Exclusive. If you do not have an Exclusive contract with Webnovel, then you can post your story wherever you like. If you hold an Exclusive Contact, then you can ONLY post your free chapters on other sites as a means of promoting your work. Non-Exclusive contracted works can be posted anywhere at your discretion. I hope this helped☮️❤️😁

(PS) Always read contracts all the way through so you understand what you are liable for, and what authority the other party holds over your work(s).

    To purchase coins, you can go through their prompt menu in your profile. You will see the icons for it near the top of the screen under your information. They have a variety of ways to pay for coins such as PayPal, bank card, iTunes or Amazon account, etc.. I hoped this helped, happy reading, and happy holidays to you☮️❤️😁

    15 days later

    Hello, might anyone know why my book is saying it “doesn’t support voting”? It’s only been up for about a day but I had a friend say they couldn’t vote on it for some reason? No promo! Just want to know what’s going on as I haven’t had this app for long.
    Thanks :)


      After your work hits a certain word count, it goes through a vetting process. That can take anywhere from (business days)3-4 days, to over a week. Mine took 4 days, but one of my buddy’s took 7 business days, so it depends on the content. After your work has been approved, you will be able to vote on it(pending approval). I hope this helped

      Nerdy_Joker_101 Jonkohrr is right, sadly. I’ve seen a few comics from friends that I Know would’ve done well. Webnovel’s loss I guess..🥺 I wish you luck in your future endeavors☮️❤️😁

      Nana_1928 I got mine by luck in the new tropes section. WN will send you a notification like 2 days before to let you know on what day and in what slot your novel is going to get promoted, but I don't know if you can send them a request to do that though.

      Nana_1928 As far as I know this is only an option for contracted works. My novel was featured immediately after I was contracted. That was in 2020, though... And since that one time it never happened again. I asked one of the editors about it and he told me that there's no guarantee to get featured. I don't know what other authors on here have experienced in this respect though.

      7 days later

      If I put up a request for looking for an editor to read my fanfic and correct it while giving me their opinion without pay, would that be considered a bad thing? I am putting out that it would be without pay and that the numbers of chapters are alot. I'll also be putting down what the genre and type of story this is involving. However, since this is my first time putting up a request on a forum, I just don't know if this would be a good idea or not. I can always try finding an editor from Webnovel, but we know that very few is able to read so many chapters at once while being able to tell me if the idea works or not because they also have to help so many other authors too. Also, original story editors most likely, if not very likely, are able to have the time to read through each of my chapters. I only need one editor... But, I'm really nervous that this would be taken badly... Or it's just my imagination?


        1) the Webnovel editors aren’t like traditional editors. They don’t actually go through works and assist with spelling and grammatical editing, they just basically tell you if the work is decent, and if you should edit it or not. Since your work is a fan-fic, I don’t know how much the editors can help. It cannot be contracted due to copyright laws, so I don’t know how much attention editors pay to fan-fics. Not saying that they don’t pay attention to them, I’m just saying that I don’t know because I only do original works.

        2) if you want to post a request on the forum, then you need to give specifics about your request: expectations about time, number of chapters to do with word count included, etc..

        3) DO NOT POST YOUR LINK IN THE THREAD. You need to post your discord, Facebook, or whatever messaging platform you prefer along with your request, and have them contact you that way. This way you don’t violate the forum rules.

        ***I’m going to be honest: unless you are willing to compensate someone for their work, you will be hard pressed to find anyone to help you for free. Especially someone proficient in English. I have seen a few random people post about doing reviews for blogs and what not for free, but it’s rare. Your best bet is to ask family, friends, or readers for help with spotting mistakes. I hoped this helps, and I wish you luck in your endeavors

          Google is paying $27485 to $29658 consistently for taking a shot at the web from home. I joined this action 2 months back and I have earned $31547 in my first month from this action. I can say my life has improved completely! Take a gander at what I do.....

            Hello dear people. I'm participating in a writing prompt contest in Webb novel and I'm not sure what to do or how exactly I can join but I've sent the name of my book in their comments section. Is that a good idea? I don't know...

              I really wished to earn a contract with Webb novel and nothing else.

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                  Sara_Wilcox Thank you so much for your guidance and advice! I'll take these to heart and create the request on the forum following such specifics and add my discord contact so I don't break any rules. 👍❤

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                      Get $192 of an hour from Google!…Yes this is Authentic as I just got my first payout and was really awesome because it was the biggest number of $24413 in a week. It seems Appears Unbelievable but you won’t forgive yourself. If you do not check it go this site……

                        Can anyone tell me how to report if there is someone who has copied from another writer
                        A few days back i was searching for something to read i found a dew which had copied everything except for title from other novels.

                          I would suggest taking screen shots of the works on the other site(s), then sending them to customer service with the titles of the plagiarized works. This has happened to me with Amazon; the owner to the right of the works, and/or the author has to fill out a report called a DMCA(I think I have the letters in the right order😅). If they are translated works, then Webnovel has to deal with them directly. I hope this helped dear ☮️❤️😁

                            Sara_Wilcox Hi! I'm new to this app, and I still can't find the rules. I'm reading the rules not because I'm going to be a writer but so that I will be aware of whats allowed and whats not. I tried clicking the 3 dots on the top just like you said but I still couldn't see it anywhere.

                            Anyways,Thank you for taking the time to read this.

                              My last pay-check was $2500 for working 6 hours a week on-line. My sisters friend has been averaging 8k for months now and she works about 20 hours a week. I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out. The potential with this is endless........... http://getworkhere3.Tk

                                Passerby_89 thank you for at least attempting to read the rules. Most don’t, and it gets quite frustrating. If you scroll up to my answer to Monsoon_Mangoes, I copied the rules for them. It’s from Nov ‘21, so just scroll until you see November replies, and look for his name. There will be the list there. It mostly pertains to authors. For readers, it basically just says to be respectful(no insulting, being racist, etc..), the usual rules and etiquettes for forums. I hope this helped dear😁 I’m just an author myself, but if you have any other questions, just ask, and I’ll do my best to help. Happy reading☮️❤️😁

                                  Sadly Webnovel hasn’t made it possible to delete a work slot. All we authors can do is delete the chapters, then change the name of the book to something like ‘Not A Book’ or ‘Error, Sorry’. It happens to most of us, so no worries. Hope this helped dear☮️❤️😁

                                    Google pays 390$ reliably. My last paycheck was $55000 working 10 hours out of consistently on the web. My increasingly youthful kinfolk mate has been averaging 20k all through continuous months and he works around 24 hours reliably. I can't trust how direct it was once I attempted it out. This is my essential concern...:) For more info visit any tab on this site Thanks a lot GOOD LUCK.........

                                      I paid for chapters over $50 and all my chapters that I had paid for and unlocked are all gone I am on this sight every day for 3 hours straight. I want my chapters back or my money. I am not a happy customer.

                                        Alaina_Smith_9594 I’m just an author, but maybe I can help. But I need just a bit more information, if you don’t mind:

                                        1. Was the purchase before the first of the month? If so, the privilege might have re-set. This means that you didn’t lose the chapters, you just have to pay that 1 or 2 coin privilege fee to access the author’s stockpile again. Otherwise you have to wait until they release at their usual rate. They will still be paid for, you just can’t have the early access without paying the monthly fee.

                                        2. Did you have to re-login? I ask this because I use Facebook to log in, but others use their Google email, etc.. So I just wanted to check to make sure that you used the same login/account that you spent money in.

                                        3. If the previous two didn’t help, then I suggest taking screenshots of your purchase log in your profile, then sending them to customer service. They are on holiday for Chinese New Year, but will be back around the third of February. They may be a bit backed up, but should message you soon after.

                                          Again, I’m just an author, so I have no authority myself. But I logged out of my FB, and back in with my google info, and flipped out. My library was gone, my works were gone: I thought I was going to have a freakin’ heart attack. The customer service guys were really nice to me, and had me check the first two things that I suggested to you. Turned out it was the login thing for me😅

                                        I hope this helped you dude.
                                        Happy reading☮️❤️😁

                                          Google is paying $27485 to $29658 consistently for taking a shot at the web from home. I joined this action 2 months back and I have earned $31547 in my first month from this action. I can say my life has improved completely! Take a gander at what I do...

                                            Hello can anybody request webnovel to add black colour for background and white for the alphabet like realy black and white not those for darkmode.It kind of anoying if you ask me.Yeah and this not my first language so sorry for the grammar.

                                              Web Novel Novel Ask