even though im in chapter 200 it starts from the beginning in my history it shows im on chapter 200 but when i read it it start from the beginning help
When i read a novel it starts from the beginning
Same here, can we know what's the issue and how long it will take to fix it.
2 days and still not fixed, when will it be fixed, it's getting annoying
plz respond asap
Let me just put this out there.
Assuming it's not a bug, whenever you open any book on Webnovel, there's a pop up that comes up with two options; to "synchronise" reading level, or to "continue " reading (which means resetting reading from Chapter1)
If you click no option and touch the screen, it gets dismissed automatically and starts reading from Chapter 1.
So check that too. Just saying. If that's not the problem then yeah... you got a bug issue
SpilledInk not the case, what happens here is that if I click on any book even ones I have never read before, they turn in my history without me clicking on any chapter to read, meaning if I choose a random book I found interesting then read the synopsis and close the book not reading or clicking a single chapter, in my history it gets registered as if I stopped on the first chapter of the book, keep in mind that this happen on the pc site, not the app or the mobile, and if I choose an old book I already started reading, in history I show at the last chapter I read before even clicking on a chapter, which shouldn't happen unless I do, and when I choose to continue reading which is presented beside the book, it put me on chapter one, and about your pop-up, I never saw it.
Okay. The pop up is on the app version.
SpilledInk Thanks for the help anyways.
what happens to me is that if i click on a book that i have read let say to chapter 200 when it opens it opens at chapter 200 but if i go back to the book by clicking on the book name and put continue reading again it will take me to chapter 1 and forget that i'm at chapter 200
DimondGold same issue