kuhaku_sora thank you! I'll be reading yours tonight!
June 2021- Review Swap here!
Anyone down for a review swap? @Dream_land I finished your review btw.
J_Writing Great! You can find my story here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-quiet-life_19715913005014005###
Violet_167 Sorry that I replied so late, sure! I'll be happy to!
DaoistTaItLu Okay, I'll get right on it soon!!
A_lucid_Dreamer Thank you, sorry that mine is coming a bit late!
Nakasuka Thanks, post you link also
Venusean ok for review swap?
Who is up for a review or collection swap?
Done and done. It is magnificent and I need more, like, yesterday. Haha. Seriously amazing job.
Mine is here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/endor-academy_20334631306493605
waurpel Would you like to have a review swap and collection swap with me?
@A_lucid_Dreamer Okay, I've just got done reviewing!
Arkbrave i reviewed your book too.
Anyone up for a review swap?
Here's mine: Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/find-me-in-your-memory_20311302605090405###
I'll review yours as soon as you review mine!
I will also add your book as soon as you add mine