If you are interested in fantasy romance with female MC then you can check out my book tittled Missing Silver.
I start to feel hot just like the previous time, then pain as my bones start breaking, this time seems to be worse than then, Mrs. Jackson said something about the fact I am coming to accept what I am so the change is likely to happen, hence we are here.
I felt my finger’s length increasing then claws coming out replacing my nails, my hands look hairy. I felt my feet twisting, I could feel my ears elongating, I freak out, what the hell am I turning to, the transformation seems to stop making me look half-human, half creature.
“Silver, you must accept the change for it to happen.” I don’t plan on being stuck in the middle of the two forms so I welcome the change.
Then change is now complete, my vision was very sharp, I could see very clearly, my ears seem to work better, I could hear movement outside in the forest, animals heartbeat, I was even aware of my own and Mrs. Jackson heartbeat. I turn to look at her, she looks in awe.
“Wow! You are a very rare one Silver. The color of your wolf is very magnificent, Silver, befitting your name, she places a mirror in front of me, then I saw the wolf in my dreams looking at me, she doesn’t look sad anymore, so I was dreaming about my wolf.
Link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/missing-silver_19784488006379505