June 2021- Review Swap here!
I'll be happy to do a review swap! I'll do yours asap!
Here's mine!
Hey fellow Author!
Your novel seems very interesting at a glance! Not many have the kind of plot and story you thought of! I'll gladly give it a read and leave a generous review! I'd appreciate it if you can do the same for mines as well!
- Edited
Hey up for the review swap let's do ya!! just comment on your link below and review mine too T_T
Dear Luna - A Letter from your Alpha
Here is the link https://www.webnovel.com/book/dear-luna---a-letter-from-your-alpha_19908516905774205
Proteety_Promi Done.
Anyone wants to review swap, just hit me up. https://www.webnovel.com/book/ascension-online_20079188906393105 is my link, I do honest reviews only.
@Yashima099 hope you wont forget to review mine, thank you : ))
link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/a-writer's-deadline_19722601005047305
I won't post my review if you haven't review my book yet. If you are up for exchanging reviews, here's mine
thank you!
Ayafinite Aight! I received your review~
Will give my review soon~ (after my exams hahaha)
Ayafinite Done!
Proteety_Promi Thank you! Have read yours and posted :)
VRW1 Swap with my fantasy story? https://www.webnovel.com/book/playing-games-of-despair-(spirity)_19854274705475405###
will review swap with anyone. Please hold nothing back, I need not be coddled.
Hi! I would like to recommend my book and hope you can give honest review on it!
Title: The Beloved Child of God
wookie0_ left you a review, please read mine! https://www.webnovel.com/book/playing-games-of-despair-(spirity)_19854274705475405###
Joel_West done! would appreciate it if you read my book https://www.webnovel.com/book/playing-games-of-despair-(spirity)_19854274705475405###
I add to the library and I going to review when I get some time.