Bummer Sure let's review swap https://www.webnovel.com/book/drip-work_18824947605178705
June 2021- Review Swap here!
TaintedMetal hey, man! I remember you~ You are from the WPC the snake book! I love that!
Do you mind if we exchange reviews and collection too (with this novel "Drip Work"?) I added yours in my library~ I hope you add mine~
Here's my novel:
- Edited
Ake_Eniola Thank you~ And you have another book too...
TaintedMetal Alrighty then. I'll be reading up on your novel quite soon enough. "Drip Work". Huh. This sounds really interesting. Not very sus at all.
Bummer Mate, do you want to have a review swap and collection swap with me? I added yours in my library~ Hope you add mine too~
here's mine!
kuhaku_sora Sure!
Bummer Gave you my review, mate! It was a fun read~
@Apprentice4 I gave you my review, mate! Your writing style is excellent!
ANDYY_X Yes, but it is on pause for now.
Main_Island sure as soon as i can
lala_sanara review and collection swap? https://www.webnovel.com/book/playing-games-of-despair-(spirity)_19854274705475405
MicahDarkFantasy review swap with my fantasy tournament book? https://www.webnovel.com/book/playing-games-of-despair-(spirity)_19854274705475405
TaintedMetal I gave you my review, mate!
QueenRani6 Let's exchange reviews and collections! I added yours in my library~ I hope you add mine.
here's my novel: