TaintedMetal Alrighty then. I'll be reading up on your novel quite soon enough. "Drip Work". Huh. This sounds really interesting. Not very sus at all.
June 2021- Review Swap here!
Bummer Mate, do you want to have a review swap and collection swap with me? I added yours in my library~ Hope you add mine too~
here's mine!
kuhaku_sora Sure!
Bummer Gave you my review, mate! It was a fun read~
@Apprentice4 I gave you my review, mate! Your writing style is excellent!
ANDYY_X Yes, but it is on pause for now.
Main_Island sure as soon as i can
lala_sanara review and collection swap? https://www.webnovel.com/book/playing-games-of-despair-(spirity)_19854274705475405
MicahDarkFantasy review swap with my fantasy tournament book? https://www.webnovel.com/book/playing-games-of-despair-(spirity)_19854274705475405
TaintedMetal I gave you my review, mate!
QueenRani6 Let's exchange reviews and collections! I added yours in my library~ I hope you add mine.
here's my novel:
Done with yours it was amazing. I loved it. thanks for yours.
Done your review. Thanks for yours.
Bummer I am reviewing yours. Here is mine.
Hope you like it.
Findmysteryinme Do you want to exchange reviews and collections? I added yours in my library~ I hope you add mine too~
Here's my novel: