Looking for a proof reader. This is a paid gig. I’ll need punctuation and grammar ,edit for my novel.
Also formatting in the Webnovel style. Comment and let me know
Proofreader needed
Aj_lewis Have you already found one? If not, I'll take the job. Find me on discord @d_nmalory
There are more threads in the last few weeks, you just have to look.
Good luck!
Aj_lewis if you haven't found one suitable for your style I'm available
Aj_lewis I have a degree in creative writing. I do not speak Chinese however I’m fluent in reading and writing. I’ve noticed that the quality of translations have dropped very low on these comics and novels therefore I would love to see if there’s a way I can help with final proofreading and writing of these stories before they’re released to readers who are actually spending their own money to read these stories. So can you please tell me how I can become a final proofreader for the app?
Aj_lewis I am interested you can contact me at kimmystica@gmail.com
If this is still relevant - then I can help you. I am fluent in Chinese, have several degrees, such as translator, philologist, and geometry teacher. I also have a degree in mathematics, in case you need this skill of mine. My hobby is solving math problems on resources like this https://plainmath.net/, where I spend a lot of time. So if you need a proofreader with an analytical mind, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
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