July 2021- Review Swap here!
eshalshahnawaz61 Thank you. Will review yours soon
eshalshahnawaz61 Want to review swap?
Cyclxne Sorry! I forgot!
val_the_mysterious Done as well.
eshalshahnawaz61 Done and dusted
kuhaku_sora I gave you my review weeks ago but you never reviewed mine. Very discouraging
kuhaku_sora Only you rarely review swap.
Mayemura oh, sorry. Will read and give a review right now.
kuhaku_sora It's all good
Bunny_Junnie sure dear
Venusean Sure buddy. Here is my Link https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/19843668706580305?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4313436314
Venusean Sure, down to swap. https://www.webnovel.com/book/ascension-online_20079188906393105
SilentL35613826 Sure thing author. Here is my Link
Yulainei Sure let's swap reviews. Here is mine