kuhaku_sora Let's do a review swap
July 2021- Review Swap here!
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Hey guys, wanna review swap? Do reply if it is the case.
Here's my link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/ragnar%C3%B6k-the-fimbulwinter-saga_20627205006347205
There is only one chap for now, so it'll be a quick read.
I'll review swap if you're interested. My link is below:
Alright, on it.
I've reviewed your chapter. I'm not going to lie, so far the story excites me, it's right up my alley, so I bookmarked your novel and it's likely I'll haunt your comment for some time.
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Lol... I should actually feel happy about it, but I don't know why I got cold shivers from that hahahaa.
Ah, I'm not done with your review yet mate. I'm reading through your first chap.
I have a suggestion for you. Did you try to post your story on Royal Road? I think your writing style might fit the audience better there.
Kandpalbhaskar010 I finished reviewing your story, when you have time to check out mine, here it is :) https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-quiet-life_19715913005014005
_hestia_ Starting yours now, sorry for the delay
Review swap, and probably a collection too
Yoan_Roturier Hey, can we swap reviews too?
Mayemura Don't forget to review my novel dear, hope you didn't forget
Origins_Ancestor Up for swapping.
Here's my book: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-legendary-daddy-merchant_20532764705199005
Going to read your book next.
Up for swapping, reply back to me if interested ♡
Yoan_Roturier ok starting yours now
Yoan_Roturier Aight! Will give a review soon~ I added yours in my library! I hope you add mine! Here is my novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/i-was-a-nerfed-hero-in-another-world_20606432205918005#review
Fahim_ahmed Aight! Will give a review today or tomorro! I added yours in my library! I hope you add mine! Here is my novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/i-was-a-nerfed-hero-in-another-world_20606432205918005#review
Here's my novel if anyone wants to review swap https://www.webnovel.com/book/danmachi-a-forgettable-familia_16720553705978505
Also, just tell me if I haven't reviewed swapped anyone back, I'll review theirs when I know.
Yoan_Roturier Left a review, mate! And added it in my novel! Did you place this book of yours in the WPC? just wondering
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Thanks, mate, I'm in the process of writing a chap for my other book right now. Once I'm done I'll be doing your review asap. You added to your "novel?" O_O xD
As for the WPC, yeah it's my entry.
But I only have one chap for now, and it'll probably take me two more days to get the 5k words required for validation. So this story won't appear on the WPC board before next week I guess.
Edit: It was quite the enthusiastic Review " hahaha. It was fun reading it. Thanks mate.
Yoan_Roturier I meant to say librarty AHAHAHAHA I ADDED IT IN MY LIBRARY XDD SORRY I typed too fast XD
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Sorry I was a bit late with my review. I had to do two other review swaps. Doing yours now
Yoan_Roturier Oh. Okay okay, mate! I will vote your book using my other account 'til then!
Sure, by tonight i will review on your novel. Here's my novel link:
Sure, by tonight i will review on your work. Here is my work link:
Sure, why not. By tonight i will surely leave the review. Here's my link:
Thank you dear. And i will surely leave the comment by tonight.
I am up for it. Here's my link:
No problem. Take your time.
I already reviewed your work.
Sure, why not. By tonight i will leave the review. Here's my link by the way.
Okay, I'll get to yours as soon as possible.
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Kandpalbhaskar010 Thank you! I'll do it by tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for sharing your novel ^ _ ^
Saw your novel and thought it was interesting.
Want to swap?
If anyone is interested can take a look.
Title : Cycle Of Nirvana
Genre : Comedy, action, fantasy, adventure, male-lead, mystery
Synopsis : A novel that moves from the weak to the strong in the world of cultivation. A novel that will immerse you in the depths for mystery, action and more
Link : https://m.webnovel.com/book/cycle-of-nirvana_20633838405203605
Uselessepiknovel I'm going to check out your book.
If you're willing to swap, here's my link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-legendary-daddy-merchant_20532764705199005
Entrail_JI Yow. Are you up for a review swap and collection swap, my friend?
Of course, why not? Here's the link of my novel.
Sure, would love to. Here's my novel link: