July 2021- Review Swap here!
Thatguyray Aight! I added yours in my library~ I hope you add mine! Will give a review soon or tomorrow! I will not forget it! I just have a chapter to finish and other books I need to give a review. Here is my novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/i-was-a-nerfed-hero-in-another-world_20606432205918005#review
Yes sure,
Here's mine : https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-author's-pov_20524563005115705
Ill add urs in my collection for now as I review the other ones
Origins_Ancestor Hello. I am in. My link-
_hestia_ Ok for review swap?
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_hestia_ DaoistTaItLu If u want I will read and review during the day. I'm a little busy right now
Uselessepiknovel Sure, I will add your book in library, will review it after sometime.
Thatguyray Checking out your book
Hope we can swap reviews
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-legendary-daddy-merchant_20532764705199005
Sure, take your time.
Hey bro, i am done reviewing your novel. And it's hella great. Literally fall in love with it. Just completed reading all chapters. Can't wait for more.
Sure, take your time.
Sure, take your time.
Duru_Sharon Just did yours!
Hello everyone, I am in for a swap review.
here is my novels link - https://www.webnovel.com/book/rise-of-the-arcane-god_20615709205014005
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MayonTales Hi! Let's review swap. I can also do colls swap if you want?
Here is the link to my novel:
Kandpalbhaskar010 Victoria_Mwiti BlueBlueLemon Entrail_JI _hestia_ I reviewed it and added it to the library. I hope you don't stop writing. I will be waiting for the rest of the stories.
I think your review was deleted. I got the notification but I can't see it. Maybe there was a bug. Can you check it? Entrail_JI